Chapter 14: what the hell

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Tobias POV:


Tris has been asleep for an hour now. An hour ago me and her were talking in the car along with Alex. She is a really nice person but is very smart and a rebel. We have been in this car about for two hours I can't take it anymore.

"Hey guys were gonna take a break" Alex says

I nod and I shake tris so she could wake up. She opens her eyes and yawns.

"C'mon tris we are stopping let's take a break and get some fresh air" I say

"Okay" she says

I open the door and tris gets out of the car. We see everyone out of the cars.

"Where do you think where we are?" Tris says

I look around. We are just in a middle of grass. It looks like amity. I'm guessing this is were the lake used to be years ago.

"Defiantly not Chicago" I say

"Oh" is all she says

I see a person not that far from us. I realized this man is not dressed in black like us. All of us are dressed in a uniform. I see he has 4 knives and then he steps forward and throws a Knives at someone and they fall to the ground. Then I see the person going to step again and it's going to hit us.

"TRIS DUCK" I yell

I fall down to the ground and I pull tris with me.

"Get in the car tris and four now" Alex says

"We can help" I say

"No, we get this now get in car now" Alex says

I open the door quickly, me and tris get inside then I shut the door. I look through the window. I see Alex pull out her gun and shoot the guy. I see everyone walk to the cars and Alex opens the door and gets inside of the car. We start to drive again and follow the other cars.

"What the hell was that?" I say

"A person, it's not a person from any other cites that person wasn't in any uniform" Alex says

"Then what was it?" Tris says

"A person, who was desperate for need" Alex says

"Then why did kill him?" Tris says in a stern voice

"This person in this city, has a low population they are trying to kill us because we had tools so they could get to survival, that's why every city has a fence" Alex says

"I didn't know they're were people like this" I say

"I didn't know ether until I lost my parents" alex says

"What happened to them?" Tris says

"We wanted to get out of the bureau because we were tired of being stuck in there, so when I was 8, my brother, and my mom decided to go past the bureau we thought there was a city.." Alex says

"Then what?" I say

"I saw my own mother and brother get murdered in my own eyes at 8 years old and I killed that women since they killed my family" Alex says

"You killed someone when you were 8 years old?" I say

"Yes I had no choice, I hit inside of a tree I cried and I was terrified for an hour, soon or later my aunt and uncle (Mathews parents) found me, they went looking for me since my family was missing and they became my guardians" Alex says

"What about your dad?" Tris says

"I don't know where he is, he just left us when I was 5" Alex says

"I'm sorry" I say

"It's alright, I'm stronger now" Alex says

"I'm sorry two, both my parents died this year" tris says while getting terry eyed

"I'm sorry, we will get through this together" Alex says

"Thanks" tris says

I wrap my arms around tris and I wipe the tears off her face. I kiss her cheek.

"I love you Tobias" tris says

"I love you too" I say

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