Chapter 93: I'm Breaking

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The past couple days have been going really slow. It has been raining too, I have been really just upset more like depressed. I haven't been eating I just been have staying in bed. Tobias walks into our bedroom holding some soup on a tray.

"Cmon tris you have to eat" he says

"I'm not hungry" I say

"Tris you have to eat, cmon" he says

"No I don't want to" I say

He puts the tray of soup on our dresser and walks over to the end and sits next to me.

"I'm not happy tobias" I say

"Why?" He says

"Because of everything that happened" I say

"Tris if it's about caleb, I-I-I" he says

"No it's not about him it's everything that is happening" I say

"Tris it's gonna be okay, we will figure this out I promise" he says

"Can I just have some time alone" I say

"Tris" he says

"Please I just wanna be alone" I cry

"Okay okay" he says

He walks out of the room, I get up from the bed and I walk to the dresser. I pull out some notebook paper and I pen. I grab a chair and sit write in front of the window and I start to write to my mother even though she isn't here right now.

Dear mom,

I know it has been about 3 months since I saw you. I didn't really know I was dead or not. But I was glad to see you, I was thankful that I had your help even if it was for a little bit of time. I wish you and dad were here now because I'm getting married and I'm pregnant. But you're not here to see this sadly. But ever since the war happened I have been breaking and I don't know what to do. I'm depressed and the things I'm feeling right now are so hard to explain.

I get up from the chair and I put my black sweater robe on and I walk up to our balcony.



Tris has been really down for the past couple of days but I don't know why. I try to cheer her up but I can't. She hasn't been eating ether. I feel like it's my fault, that I killed her brother. I didn't mean to but he would of killed me. He called me a worthless piece of trash, that I didn't belong her that I wasn't good enough. I walk back into our bedroom to check on tris and she isn't there. She must be on the balcony on our roof. I hate when she does this but this is were she always goes out to think out her thoughts. When I finally reach the balcony I see tris sitting with her hands wrapped around her legs. under the brick edge of the balcony. I walk over to her and sit next to her.

"What's wrong love? I say

She doesn't answer tears come down her face and she starts to walk back and fourth. I scoot over more to be next to her and I wrap my arms around her. She buries her head in my shoulder.

"I'm breaking tobias, I'm depressed" she cries

"It's okay, we're gonna get through this together soon we will have peace I will promise you that love, I promise we will have a peaceful life" I say

"I have nothing" she cries

"You will always have me I will be always here for you" I say

"I love you" she says

"I love you too" I say

I kiss her forehead then she starts to shiver. I take off my jacket and wrap it around her. Raindrops start to soak my shirt but I don't even care.

"Thanks" she mumbles

"Let's go back inside, before you catch a cold" I say

"Okay" she says


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