Chapter 57: this is gonna end

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Tobias POV:

I open my eyes and I hear the sounds of rain drops hitting the building. I turn over and look to my left and I see tris is still sleeping. I brush her hair with my fingers and I kiss her forehead.

"Hey" she smiles

"Hey" I say

"You look beautiful" I say

"Well that was random" she laughs

"I know" I say

"What are we gonna do today?" She says

"Find more leaders most likely" I say

"Oh" she says

"Hey it's gonna be okay, soon this war will be over alright?" I say

"How long has this war have been going on?" She says

"About a month" I say

"Oh, how longer do you think this war is gonna go on?" She says

"I don't know tris, I don't know" I say

"Okay" she says

Then I see her tears start to water up, I know she's nervous she doesn't like this me ether. I think what's going on is cruel and wrong. But we have to do this for our city. I lean in and I brush my lips with hers. She wraps her leg around mine. Then I start to kiss her neck and I put my hand under the hem of her shirt and I rub my hand in a circular motion on her back. Then I hear the door open and its madison. I pull my hands out from tris's shirt and I just stare at madison.

"OH MY GOD EW" madison laughs

"Do you ever her the term of knocking?" I say

"Yeah I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see that and it was an emergency!" She yells

"What's the problem?" I say

"I found out the last 3 leaders are going to abnegation today, we could end this war!!" She says

"Really?" Tris smiles

"Yes I'm not kidding, so if you wanna end the war today I suggest you get ready" she says

"Okay" I say

Madison walks out of the door and shuts it. I just smile, we could end this damn word we could end it. We could have a peaceful life like we were suppose to have.

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