Chapter 53: Please Don't

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Tris POV:

The cold metal touches the side of the forehead. The metal feels like death and blood to me depending if this guy is gonna shoot me. I start to scream louder but I know it will make it worse. Then I see tobias come behind the guy and grabs him by the neck and slams him against the brick wall. I hide in this ally and watch them. I hear a couple of gun shots go off and I see the guy fall to the ground. I run over to Tobias.

"Thanks" I smile

"Uh" he mumbles

"What's wrong?" I say

He moves the hand from his lower Ambient and I see its a all covered in blood. Then I see the spot bleeding that he had uncovered. He starts to fall and I try to catch him.

"Tobias?"I mumble

He doesn't answer. I start to panic, my eyes start to water. I put my hand over his wounded lightly to reduce the bleeding.


I start to sob. He's going to die and I can't save him. This cannot be happening. I lean my head on his stomach and my tears drop onto his jacket. I hear madison scream and I see her coming towards me with some factionless nurses.

"What happened?" She cries

"He w-a-a-a-s shot" I cry

"Oh my god, help is coming" she says

More tears come down my face. The factionless nurses help Tobias onto a gurney and take him back to the factionless compound. I wrap my arms around madison and she wraps my arms around mine. More tears come My face and so does madison. Please don't die Tobias please don't I need you.

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