Chapter 77: please just listen

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Tris POV:

I walk down the Hall when I follow tobias. He looks behind him and sees me then he starts to walk faster.

"Tobias" I yell

He walks even faster. He doesn't answer me I jog after him. I grab his wrist. He just looks at me. I pull him into a dark hallway so no one can see us.

"Tobias what's wrong?" I say

"Are you kidding tris?" He says

"I'm not kidding" I say

"Tris she doesn't remember me, only you" he says

"I know your upset tobias, but I know how you feel" I say

"No tris, no you don't" he says

"Tobias" I say

"Tris my own sister doesn't remember me nether is Christiana" he says

"Please just Listen tobias" I say

"Fine" he says

I touch the side of his face and I look into his dark blue eyes and I smile.

"Tobias we are gonna figure this out alright, I have a feeling this has something to do with the bureau and we will make sure madison will remember you" I say

"I love you tris, your so brave" he says

"I love you too" I say

He leans in and brushes his lips with mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his hands on my waist. And then we're kissing, luckily no one can see us. Then I break the kiss by putting our foreheads together.

"Let's go see Madison it's gonna be alright" I say

"Okay" he says

I hold his hand all the way till we get to the infirmary to let him know it's going to be alright.


Once we reach the infirmary, we stand over madison. She's awake but she has bags underneath her eyes. What's going on, this doesn't seem like madison ether.

"Hey madison, I just wanna know the guy standing next to me is your brother" I say

"How could this guy be my brother?" she says

"And he is also my boyfriend" I say

"Wait your dating your own brother, that's gross" she says

"No no, this your brother and I'm dating your brother" I say

"Your dating my brother, that's um weird" she says

"If you remembered what happened why we dated then you would understand" I say

"Oh I only trust one person and that's tris" she says

"What about me, I'm your brother" tobias says

"I'm sorry I don't even know you, and I believe tris that's she is saying your my brother but I just met you" she says

"Hey me and tobias are gonna do some things we will be back around dinner time to visit okay?" I say

"Okay" she says


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A/N: well there's some kind of Good news, my story is mostly gonna have more than 100 parts because I have so many things planned for this story and I'm not even close to be done yet so 😂. It may be 200 parts or 120 parts I don't know yet so.


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