Chapter 97: Looking Back To The Past

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A Month Later...


Today a month ago, is when I almost died. We're tobias was freaking so much that he was afraid he was gonna lose me. I sit on a metal chair at a table on our balcony and I look out to Chicago in the night sky. I hear a door open and I find its tobias. He walks towards me and then sits in the other metal chair at the small table.

"What are you doing here?" He says

"Just thinking out my thoughts" I sigh

"Tris something is wrong, just tell me" he says

"Everything" I say then I shake my head

"What do you mean?" He says

"I just miss my caleb, my parents..." I say

"I know you do, but they're in a better place now" he says

"I just want a peaceful life" I say

Then a tear comes down my face, tobias wipes it off with his thumb. Then he reaches for my hand and holds it.

"We're gonna have a peaceful life love, I will make sure we will because we deserve it" he smiles

"Yeah we do, for all the battles we fought" I laugh

"Yeah, don't worry everything is going to be alright" he says

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" he says

I kiss his cheek and he smiles at me. Then I smile back at him.

"Thank you for everything" I say

"No thank you, for giving me a point to live in life" he says

"Tobias" I say

"No really tris, I found a reason to live and you gave me that tris, your different then the other girls in a good way your a beauty that is so rare to ever see but you're the most beautiful girl I have ever met" he says

"On how many words I can say, it will never be enough to show how much I love you" I say

I pull my chair over to him and I just look into the Chicago night sky again. Then all of a sudden were kissing. I wrap my arms around his neck and He puts his hands on my waist. He asks for and I let him. Then he puts his hands underneath the hem of my shirt and then is about to Unclasp my bra.

"Not now okay, maybe later" I say

"Okay love" he smiles

It's around 1 am and I'm still not asleep. I'm just laying in bed and staring at the ceiling. I can hear tobias breathing heavy so he must be asleep. He looks so young when he is sleeping it's kinda adorable. My memories of my mother and father dying, the memories I had to go through before just haunts me. I start to cry and I hear a groan. Then tobias turns around and puts an arm around me.

"What's wrong?" He says

"I couldn't sleep" I say

"Then why are you crying?" He says

"I'm just looking back to the past" I say

"Don't think about the past think about the future, I know the past is hard but think about our good future" he says

"Yeah" I sigh

"Cmon tris go back to bed, you need some sleep" he says

"Alright" I say

"I love you" he says

I could answer him but I'm way to far gone right now. I can't think about the future right now I can't, I'm just looking back at the past right now.


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