Chapter 88: I'm What?

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Tris POV:

Me and tobias wait in the dauntless office for Lauren to come. She's going to talk to us about how to kill Mathew. We have been waiting thirty minutes so far and my leg starts to shake. And the sound gets louder and louder

"Tris stop" tobias says

"No I don't what to" I snap

"Tris please" he says

"No, your not the boss of me!" I yell

"What's going on?" Lauren says

"Oh hi Lauren" tobias says

"Hi, four um what's going on with you two" she says

"She has been craving a lot of chocolate and having a lot of mood swings lately it's weird" tobias says

"Uh four I think tris is pregnant" Lauren says

"What?" I snap

"Tris you might be pregnant, with the systems you have been experiencing" she says

No no I cannot be pregnant. I'm not even 17 yet! I will be 17 next month. But not now kids are not a good idea. My god no this cannot be happening.

"I suggest you guys go down to the infirmary to see what's really going on and we will meet later" Lauren says

"Okay" tobias says


Once we come down to the infirmary. We see nurses helping other people. Some people from erudite help out other people's factions to be nurses so. A nurse comes up to us and smiles. I realize who it is, it's kelly she was my nurse yesterday.

"Hi tris, how's your head what brings you back?" She says

"I think I'm pregnant" I mumble

"Let's see if you are, follow me" she says

We walk through the infirmary we see dauntless people in beds erudite nurses are helping each other. She opens a door to a room. We walk inside the room. Then she shuts the door.

"Four you can sit in that chair and tris sit on the bed" she says

"Alright" I say

I walk over to the bet and I sit on the edge. My feet dangle over it. Kelly sits on a spiny chair and scoots over to me then crosses her legs.

"When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?" She says

"Uh last week" I say

"I suggest you lay down because I'm going to see if for sure your pregnant" she says

"Okay" I say

"Also lift your shirt up halfway" she says

I lay down and lift my shirt up haft way. She puts this cool gel on my stomach and moves it around with this thing. Then she lifts it up and wipes the gel of my stomach with a cloth

"Congrats, your one week pregnant" she says

"I'm what?" I say


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