Chapter 20: the test

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Tobias POV:

I fit my foot into my combat boot. Then I hear a knock on the door. Tris walks up to the door and opens it and i see it's Madison.

"Come in" tris says

Madison walks through the door and tris shuts the door. Madison walks towards me and sits on the edge of the bed.

"You ready?" Madison says

"Yeah, I think we for this" I say

"Okay good, you and tris have to convince them" Madison says

"Okay let's just hope this works" tris says

"Yea but you two got this" Madison says

I smile and I put my hand on her palm.

"Thanks Madison it means a lot" I say

"No problem" she smiles

"C'mon we better get going" tris says

"Yeah" I say


We finally arrive to the dystopian main building were the leaders control the city. Alex, tris, Madison, and Teresa is with us. I open the door and I hold it for them. I see 6 people in these desks. This is very different from Chicago.

"What brings you here" a leader says

"Uh hello, I'm four and this is tris we are from Chicago and you were expecting us" I say

"So did you bring the letter" another leader says

"Uh yes, here it is" I hand them the letter

One of the leader opens the envelope and reads the letter. She talks with some of the other leaders.

"We will help you with the war" the leader says

"Thank you so much" tris says

"Except one flaw" one of the leader says

"Huh?" I say

"You will have to go through the maze" one of the leader says

"What?" Tris says

Teresa walks over to me and holds my hand. What the hell does he mean by the maze?

"Please leader Samuel, don't make these children go into the maze, they're not even from here" Teresa says

"Orders are orders and were testing how strong they are so it will be a good idea for us to fight with their city" the leader says

"Please don't do this, I just met my brother finally" Madison says

"What is the maze?" I say

"Well the maze, is a test you and tris will go into the maze and see whoever gets out first will stay alive and if you stay alive we will work with you" the leader says

"What, you Can do this to us we need your help for our country and you wanna see us die" tris says

"Yes seriously, please don't do this to them it's not fair and I think it's very selfish to do that" Madison says

"Very good, Madison you go into the maze too" the leader says

"WHAT?!?!" Madison cries

"What is this, I'm not going into that damn maze" I say in a stern voice

"Take them to their rooms and get them ready for training" the leader says

Guards pick us up. I try to fight but they're too strong and there's so many of them.

"LET ME GO" Madison yells

"DONT DO THIS TO THEM" Teresa yells

Then everything turns black


You see what I did there, I put some maze runner in here too 😏

Comment and vote! Tysm (:


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