Chapter 90: Who Are You

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Tris POV:

It has been one week since I found out I was pregnant. I don't have a baby bump thank god. Today I'm going to tell Christiana that I am pregnant. I knock on her door and she opens it.

"Hi tris, come on in" she says

"Thanks" I say

I walk inside and sit on her couch and she sits across from me.

"Christiana I have something to tell you" I say

"Me too" she says

"Okay you go first" I say

"I remember everything" she says

"What do you mean?" I say

"I remember everything, not just you but you and four and everything that happened with the war" she smiles

"Oh my god really?" I blush

"Yes" she says

I wrap my arms around her and she wraps her arms around me. Happy tears. My best friend is back SHES back.

"Your back" I cry

"I know I missed all of you" she chuckles

"I have something Else to tell you though" I say

"What is it?" She says

"I'm pregnant" I say

"Oh my god really?" She says

"Yes" I say

"That's amazing, I'm so happy for you" she says

"Thank you" I say

"Wow that's just incredible tris!" She says

"Hey I'm gonna head back now, tobias is probably worried about me" I say

"Okay bye" she says

"I'll see you later" I say


I'm walking down the hallway and someone with a mask pushes me against the wall. They put a a hand on my mouth.

"Shh come with me" the guy says

I start to scream but no one can hear me. The guy pulls me to into a closet and turns the light on. He takes a hand off of me.

"Who are you?" I say

He takes the mask off and I cannot believe who it is, it's..


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