Chapter 44: Trust Me

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Tobias POV:

I walk down the hallway to Madison's room. I hope she forgives me I really regret now what I said to her. I should of trusted her but I didn't. She's my sister she's old enough to handle this for a warrior from dystopia. I knock on the door and the door opens and Madison looks just bummed out.

"What do you want?" She says

"Can I please talk to you?" I say

"There's nothing to talk about" she says

"Please can we just talk it's important" I say

"Fine" she says

"Look I'm sorry what I said last night and I want you to come with me in the war Intll tris gets better" I say

"So you think about this plan now after all what you said to me?" She says

"Yeah, I said I was sorry Madison" I say

"No Tobias" she says

"Why?" I say

"I feel like your not gonna need me even though you said I didn't know what I was doing" she says

"Madison I was wrong, you are the person who can help us stop this war you were from dystopia so please" I say

"Fine" she says

"I'll see you at sunset get changed okay?" I say

"Okay" she says

She closes her door and I walk down the hallway back to tris's room to tell her I'm going back tonight with Madison.


I walk into tris's hospital room and I find she is sleeping. I grab a chair and pull it up next to her bed. I brush her hair with my fingers. She opens her eyes and smiles at me.

"Baby wake up, I need to tell you something" I say

"Mhm?" She says

"I talked to Madison and were gonna do that plan" I say

"That's great" she smiles

"But we're leaving tonight" I say

She bites her lip and her eyes start to tear up. Great I think I just upset her I thought she was fine with this plan.

"What's wrong, I thought you were okay with this plan" I say

"It's not the plan that's bothering me, it's you going into the war and if you too don't come back then I know you are" she says

"Shh I know, look don't worry me and Madison got it" I say

"I know, but I'm not gonna be there with you and I don't wanna lose you" she says

"Your not gonna lose me I promise" I smile

She nods and a tear comes down her face I wipe it off with my thumb.

"How long will you be gone?" She says

"About two weeks?" I mumble

She just frowns and more tears come down her face. I know she's gonna be upset that she's not gonna be here with me but she has to understand I have to do this.

"Don't cry I will be back okay, you will be here with Caleb" I say

"Okay" she says

I lean down and brush my lips with hers. And then were kissing but I'm not gonna go any further because I don't wanna hurt her since her arm is wounded and it's really sore.

"I'll back soon I promise okay, I love you I'll see you soon" I say

"I love you too" she says

I smile and I hug her as tight as I could. I will survive this and I'll be back in two weeks. Madison is gonna help me. I walk out of the room and this will not be the last time I will see tris.

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