Chapter 61: Our new lives.

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Tobias POV:

One week later...

It has been one week since me and tris ended the war. Everything is back to normal. The factions are back in place but haft of our city is torn apart. More buildings are crumbled. Lots of blood everywhere. It has been worse since the war of erudite and abnegation. I'm done with guns. I'm just done, ever since this war happened everything has fallen apart. Erudite has been cleaning up all the dead bodies and going to Barrie them. We're back in my apartment in the dauntless compound were are safe now. We're going to have a funeral today With all the factions about the lives were lost for dystopia and Chicago. I'm wearing a black blouse, black pants and my combat boots. We're going to have a speech to our city. I see tris come out in the bathroom in a strapless black dress and black high heels and her hair curled. Her hair has got more longer since she cut it.

"You look beautiful" I say

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself" she smirks

"Thanks" I say

She doesn't say anything, she sits on the couch in our apartment. She puts her hands on her face and frowns. I walk over to her and I sit next to her. I put a hand on her back.

"Whats wrong?" I say

"I don't know if I can do this" tris says

"Why?" I say

"Because I'm gonna have to talk about madison, zeke Christiana and my brother caleb!" She yells

"You don't have to" I say

"Yes I do, it would be wrong if I don't" she says

"I know, but it's gonna be okay" I say

"Really?" She says

"Yes" I smile

"I love You" i say

"I love you too" she says

"Ready to go?" I say

"Yeah" she mumbles


We walk into the government abnegation building: we stand behind the doors, I can tell tris is shaking. Then I see my aunt Teresa and Alex come up from the stairs.

"They're our my two brave warriors" Teresa says

I walk over to her and I wrap my arms around her and I hug her. She's more caring then my own mother is. I bet she didn't even come to this damn funeral because she only cares about the damn factionless how selfish.

"I'm so proud of you" she says

"Thanks, we tried our best" I say

"I know you tried to save madison but she's gone now but tobias and tris thank you for trying to keep her safe without her this war wouldn't be over" she says

"Yeah, I lost my brother too but it's okay I know both of them are in peace now" tris mumbles

"I'm so sorry for your loss tris" Teresa says

"It's okay" she says

Teresa walks up to tris and gives her a big hug. I feel so bad for tris but the only thing I can do is comfort her. She lost her best friend, her brother and her own parents. She has been through way more then I did.

"You two deserved so much better" Teresa cries

"No aunt Teresa don't cry it's okay" I say

"No I'm sorry, I'm just getting to emotional about this war and Madison" she says

"There's nothing you have to be sorry about" I say

"Okay, thank you" she says

Then she walks away and looks outside to the window. Then I see Alex walk up to me and tris and she smiles.

"You too are Heroes, I'm so proud of you two" she says

"Thank you" tris says

"Here read off these notecards, it will help you when you go out there" she says

"Okay, thanks" I say

Then I hear from outside, the person announces our names. The doors open and we walk out onto the stage. I see all the factions staring at us, God I hate that this war had to happen. Why us, just why?

"Good afternoon everyone, I'm going to make some speeches about the lives we lost in this terrible war" tris says

I just can't face this hell anymore, why did this had to happen why couldn't we have peace. Why does everything have to go wrong?

"I had a brother, his name was caleb I thought it was a coward because what awful things he did from me, he was. But I forgave him and he helped me through my battles because me and him were the only ones left in our family. He was from abnegation and he transferred to erudite. In the war he was in the control rooms. While me, four and Madison fought in this war. He wanted to shoot me, instead he was acting he sacrificed himself for me because he loved me, I thought he was a coward but I was wrong. He was just protecting me. I didn't even get to say goodbye and my brother was caleb prior, one of the wisest people I have ever met" tris says

I see tris start to tear up. I rub her back and move towards the microphone and I look in the crowd I see my mother. She came she actually came.

"I would have another speech to make to" I say

I look down at the floor and then I pull my head up and I take a deep breath I can do this.

"I had a sister her name was madison, I didn't know I had one because I totally didn't remember I had one. She proved to me that she was my sister. She was taken to dystopia when she was 5 to be safe. I met her two months ago she was amazing. She looked so much like me. Especially her eyes, they were a dark blue like mine they always stand stand out. I didn't know her my whole life, but she was a family that I could trust and talk to. She was someone I could depend on. Someone that I loved for once that was related to me. She was so brave and now she's gone. She is in peace now but she didn't deserve to die. She was to young, to gentle. And I couldn't save her I'm sorry" I say

Tris walks over to me and starts to read off her notecards. I can tell she has been crying because her eyes are red. A year slips down my face because I'm going to miss madison so much.

"These people of Chicago weren't just people they were heroes they risked their lives for our city and I think that's the most bravest thing to do" tris says

"They also died because they were angels inside and they needed somewhere to be safe to have peace because we didn't deserve this" I say

"But they are brave warriors that will always stand in Chicago because without their help we wouldn't be standing right her now" tris says

"We will always remember the lives that were lost and forever they will rest in our peace" I say

They all start clapping, I can tell some of them are crying. We walk back inside to the building and the doors close. I see Aunt Teresa and Alex walk towards us.

"You spoke wonderfully guys" Teresa says

"Thank you" we both say

"You two are amazing people" Alex says

"Thank you" I smile

They both walk down the stairs. I put my hands on tris's waist and I smile at her and she smiles back.

"What now?" She says

"Well now the war has ended and it's time for us to start our new lives" I say

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