Chapter 76: its nice to see you

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Tris POV:

We walk down to the infirmary, we are going to see madison today. I'm nervous she won't remember anything too. When we finally walk into the infirmary and we see madison laying in a bed. We walk over to the bed and stand over her. She opens her eyes.

"Hi madison, how are you feeling? Tobias says

"Who are you?" She says

"What do you mean?" He says

"I don't know you" she says

"I'm your brother madison how can you not remember me?" Tobias says

"I'm sorry I only remember tris" she says

"How do you just remember me?" I say

"Well I just remember you, your the only person I remember"

"How could this be true" tobias says

"Tobias" I say

"It's nice to see you too" he says

Then tobias walks out of the room and I follow him. My god what is happening?


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Sorry if it was a short chapter I'll update more today!


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