Chapter 12: Together

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Tobias POV:

Right now we are laying in bed. I can see the snowflakes coming down from the sky. It's nighttime and I can see them through the window. In a week or so we leave for dystopia. I'm scared of losing tris and I'm also scared for myself. This isn't like the war between abnegation, dauntless and erudite we were involved in it but this time we are fighting it in for our lives. I just hope we can save ourselves and our city.

I brush tris's hair with my hand, she is sleeping she looks so peaceful when she is asleep.

"Hey" tris says

"Hey" I say

"What time is it?" She says

"Around midnight" i say

"Tobias can I ask you something?" She says

"Sure" I say

"Are we going to die?" She says

"I don't know tris I cant answer this but if we didn't join this plan there would be a more chance of us dying then us surviving" I say

"Okay, I just want to know that I love you and as long I'm with you I'm happy" she says

"I know" I say

"I love you" she says

"I love you too" I say

"Tobias I'm cold" she says

I grab the covers and put it over us and I wrap my arms around her waist to keep her warm. Then I kiss her forehead

"Better?" I say

"Yes" she says

"Let's go to bed, we are gonna have a long day tomorrow" I say

"Okay, night" she says

"Night tris" I say

Soon sleep catches me and I fall asleep.

Tris POV:

I feel someone shake me, but I don't know if it's me dreaming or someone is shaking me.

"Tris wake up" someone says

I open my eyes and I see Tobias hovering over me. I can tell it's morning by the sun coming through the window.

"Huh?" I say while rubbing my eyes

"Tris time to wake up, Mathew wants us downstairs in five" Tobias says

I nod and I get up. I change into a long black long-sleeve shirt and black pants and my combat boots. I feel dauntless even thought I'm not really dauntless anymore since me and Tobias have not been back in the city in a month or so.

Me and Tobias walk down the hallway and into the elevator and ride down to the "secret basement" the elevator doors open. We walk down the stairs and we see Mathew.

"Welcome guys, please take a seat at one of the computers" Mathew says

Me and Tobias take a seat at a computer. I have never used one before. I heard of them and saw them. I only remember teachers in school would use them and in dauntless. I'm sure other factions use them too but not abnegation.

"Now as you can all see that Chicago is perfectly clear on this sunny December day" Mathew says

"But soon we will be having war on that very land out there" Mathew says

"So how are we gonna prevent this war going into the city?" A person says

"We will hook with dystopia to help us, we are very good friends with us" Mathew says

"This is not going to be a peaceful war, there will be blood, people dying but we are willing to sacrifice ourselves for our city, we will try our best to prevent many deaths" Mathew says

I'm scared of dying again. I don't wanna go through that pain again. I don't want Tobias to go that pain. I don't wanna lose him ether, I don't want to go the pain he went through. What matters is that we're together in this war.

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