Chapter 63: a date?

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Tris POV:

I'm Awaken to a door slamming, I open my eyes and I see tobias coming in the door. For the past couple days he has been working with Lauren about dauntless government mostly all day but he is home early today. I sit up and I see Tobias sit next to me.

"Hey how was it today?" I say

"Stressing but it was alright" he says

"That's good" I smile

"I have a plan for this evening" he says

"And what shall that be?" I smirk

"Go get changed into something nice and I'll show you" he smirks

"Okay" I say

I walk back to the bathroom to get changed I wonder why he has planned this evening?


I get changed into a black leather jacket, a black necklace, a black pencil skirt and black boots. I actually like this outfit it's kinda cute.

"You look beautiful" he says

"Thanks" I blush

We walk out to the balcony, it was one of our kisses we shared here. I see he has a table with a lit candle and food.

"Aww tobias" I say

He puts a hand on my back and pulls out the chair for me and I sit down. What a gentleman, then he sits across from me.

"You went all out?" I smirk

"Tris I haven't been working on government stuff for the past days with Lauren" he says

"What, you lied to me!" I yell

"No no, I have been asking her for advice for planning this dinner that's why" he says

"Your so sweet" I say

He holds my hand and smiles at me. I fucking love Tobias eaton so much.

"Tris, ever since I met you everything has changed into good, you make me complete I wouldn't be happy still if I have never met you, I'm so blessed I met you" he says

"Me too tobias, you are amazing" I say

"And your so beautiful" he smiles

"And your so handsome" I giggle

"I love you Beatrice" he says

"I love you too tobias" I say

He kisses my hand and then pulls out some champagne and pours it in our glasses. I take a sip of it and I look at the view of Chicago. The sun is about to set. It's such a beautiful view were I am right now.

"What a beautiful view" I say

"Yeah" he says

"So what did you make us for dinner?" I say

"Hamburgers because it was the first dauntless meal you have ever had" he smirks

"Your so romantic tobias" I laugh

"Well all this romantic stuff is new for me so" he smirks

"Well your doing good so far" I smile

"Good, I don't wanna disappoint you" he says

"Tobias you would never disappoint me, I love you for who you are" I say

"No one has ever said that to me before" he says

"Well I thought you deserve to hear that" I smile

He leans over to the table to kiss me. Then he holds my hand. I love him, I don't care if he is the perfect fairytale guy he is perfect.

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