Chapter 73: ill care for you

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Tris POV:

Me and Christiana sit in front of the fireplace, tobias is taking a shower right now so. I'm trying to comfort her as much as I can. I'm trying to help her get her memory back. She saids she doesn't remember anything so.

"So what do you remember?" I say

"I remember us in dauntless and that's all" she says

"Nothing else in dauntless?" I say

"Nope, just us" she says

"That's weird and really fishy" I whisper

"What?" She says

"Uh nothing" I say

How could this possible. How could she not remember anything but she remembers us in dauntless this makes no sense?

"Do you know what faction you were born in?" I say

"Nope" she says

I see tobias walk out of the bathroom in a black t-shirt and black pants but barefoot.

"Hey I'm gonna get you ready for bed" I say

I walk over to the closet and I grab some blankets and a pillow. I walk over to the couch and I lay a blanket down and a pillow.

"You can sleep here tonight, you'll be safe" I smile

"Alright thanks for the support tris" she says

"Your welcome Christiana your my best friend night" I say

"Night" she says


I walk into the bedroom, with my arms crossed. The room is dark I can tell tobias is already asleep. I slide into the bed next to tobias. He groans and opens his eyes. I just smile at him and he puts his hand on the side of my face.

"Hey" he whispers

"Hi, sorry I woke you" I say

"It's fine" he says

"I talked to Christiana about her memory" I say

"And?" He says

"She said she doesn't remember anything except us in dauntless, I find that a little weird" I say

"Something is up" he says

"What do you mean?" I say

"Why would she remember only dauntless things just between you to and not like her faction she was born in?" He says

"Oh no" I say

"What's wrong?" He says

"It has to do something with the bureau I know" I cry

"You don't know that tris" he says

"I don't need another war, I need peace" I say

"Tris were not going to have another war okay, it's just a misunderstanding, I'll care for you through this" he says

Soon sleep catches me and I fall asleep In tobias arms. I feel safe when I'm with him.

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