Chapter 80: we need to stop this

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Tris POV:

Right now we are making dinner tonight, we are having steak. I put the steak on the table. Then tobias sits across from me. I take a bite out of the steak.

"So today in two months were getting married" tobias says

"Wow time goes fast" I laugh

"Isn't that exciting? He says

"Yes very" I smile

I take a sip from my water when I hear a knock on the door. I get up from the chair.

"I'll get it" I say

"Okay" tobias says

I open the front door and I see its caleb. I look and I run away from the door and I run up the stairs. This cannot be happening.

"Tris where are you going?" Tobias yells

I just look at him and I run upstairs up to the rooftop. I just need some time for me to be alone.


Tobias POV:

I just see tris run up the stairs. I don't know why she Did. I decide to walk towards the door and to see who it is, and I find its caleb. How the hell is he alive?

"Caleb" I say

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" He says

Oh right of corse he doesn't know who I am he only knows who tris is of corse.

"Um im tris's fiancé just take a seat and I'll be right back okay"

"Alright" he says

I shut the door and I walk up the stairs, tris must be on the rooftop because she always goes there to think off her thoughts.


I open the door to the rooftop and I see all the buildings in Chicago. It's really high up and I'm shaking because of it.

But I see tris is sitting on the edge of the rooftop with her feet dangling. I be brave and I walk over there and do the same thing.

"Tris why did you storm off like that?" I say

"I don't know, I don't know tobias I cannot handle all these dead people coming back" she says

"Well they're not dead anymore and there not ghosts" I say

"Yeah but, I don't know what to do tobias I'm breaking" she says

"It's okay tris, we need to stop this" I say


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