Chapter 47: Hello

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Tobias POV:

It has been 5 days since I left the bureau I really hope tris is okay. I know she misses me. I take a bite out of my toast and I see Madison come into my kitchen.

"Morning" I say

"Morning" she says

"I made some toast for us, if you want some?" I say

"Yeah sure I'll have some" she says

She walks over to the counter and opens the cabinet and grabs a plate and puts the toast on it. She walks back to the table holding the toast. She sits down and takes a bite of her toast.

"So do you have any plans?" I say

"What do you mean?" She says

"I mean like do you have any plans how we could trick the dystopian soldiers or convince them?" I say

"Yes, but it's a very long process I will show you" she says

"Okay should we get dressed?" I say

"Yes" she says


We're on the train now. Madison told me we have to go to the factionless for some reason because she said dystopian had to do something with it. Then I see we are somewhat close to the factionless so we Have to jump now.

"Ready?" I say

"Yeah" she says

We jump onto the building. I do a tuck and roll so does Madison. I get up and brush the dirt off my pants.

"Okay we just have to climb down that truss over there" I gulp

"Tobias?" She says

"Yeah?" I mumble

"Why did you sound nervous when you said you had to climb down that truss?" She says

"Okay I'm afraid of heights" I mumble

"Your what?" She says

"I'm afraid of heights okay!" I yell

"Okay okay, it's okay I'm afraid of lots of bugs" she laughs

We start to climb down the truss. The truss is somewhat big so I'm high up. I already can see Madison is down farther then me.

"Cmon Tobias it's not that bad" she smiles

"Ugh" I say

"Just grab my hand" she smiles

I grab her hand and I get down. Well that was Terrifying.

"Well that wasn't so bad" she laughs

"Hey that wasn't funny, that was scary" I smirk

"Oh okay" she laughs

"Okay so what now?" I say

"Duck" she says

I duck down and Madison gets her gun out and the gun goes off. I look behind me and I see a man dead. What the hell why do people keep sneaking up behind me?!!?

"Why do they keep sneaking up behind me!" I yell

"I don't really know, that's one good skill dystopian warriors have" she smirks

"Well they're good at that" I say

"Mhm, let's get into the more factionless" she says

"Alright, let's go this way" I say

"Okay" she says

We walk down this ally. There's no sign of any soliders or anything. Then I hear a blood curling scream. It sounded like evelyn? We both start to run and at the end I see Evelyn being hold up by a dystopian warrior by a knife. I take my gun out and I load it.

"Put the knife down" I say

"No" the women says

"I said put the knife down or I'll shoot" I say

"How about you put the gun down or I'll shoot" the man says

"Leader causewell?"madison says

"Madison why aren't you in uniformed what are you doing with this idiot boy?" The man says

"I'm not part of dystopia anymore and this boy isn't a idiot he is my brother" she says

"You are a coward, you betrayed our city" he says

"Well I don't wanna be part of your city anymore because your killing innocent people" she says

"We belong here, don't you wanna be happy?" He says

"You can't be happy in this hell" she says

"Madison why are you doing this, I thought you loved dystopia?" He says

"I never loved it, it's hell over there and your not gonna take chicago away" she says

"We're lucky we took your little ass when your aunt had to took care of you" he says

"Well Chicago will always belong here not do you stupid ass dystopian leaders" she says

"You deserve pain" he says

She doesn't say anything and she takes out her gun and shoots the leader and he falls to the ground. She just shot s dystopian leader wow.

"Take another move and I'll slice her neck" the girl says

"Go around that building and sneak up behind her okay?" She whispers

"Okay" I say

I go around the tall building and I walk through this tiny craw space and I sneak up on the girl and I look the other way and I shoot her. I couldn't shoot a women without looking.

"Thank you son" Evelyn says

"Your welcome Evelyn" I say

"That's Evelyn?" Madison says

"Yeah that's her" I say

"Evelyn it's me Madison" Madison's says

"Hello" Evelyn smiles

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