Chapter 23: the maze

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Tris POV:

I don't why but I only remember me going into the box. Well my real name is Beatrice. People call me tris. Okay I think I remember now. I'm in this box and the box starts to move I'm going up this tunnel and finally I hear a beep. Then I see people they open the box.

"Welcome to the maze" a girl says

"Uh thanks" I say

"Tris" Tobias yells

I run over to him. I rap my arms around him.

"Where are we?" I say

"Not in the maze, were by it" he says

"Well I guess your new here" the girl says

"Yeah, what is this place?" I say

"The maze, well we're not in there now but when those doors open it's danger" the girl says

"Oh, I'm tris and this is my boyfriend Tobias" I say

"Obviously they didn't give you memory serum because you remember your name and crap" the girl says

"Um, yeah" I say

"I'm blondie, I'm the leader of the maze " she says

"Nice to meet you" I say

"You too" she says

"So what are we gonna do here?" I say

"Follow me" blondie says

I follow her. I feel like where in a square of grass and woods and the outside is a maze. What the hell is this?

We walk inside this thing, which looks like a hut.

"This is the maze, every 3 days someone goes into the maze if they want" blondie says

"And what happens to them?" Tobias says

"No one has ever survived, there are things things called grievers they eat people and sting them, but they only come out at night" blondie Says

"What is this place" I say

"It's a death place, the dystopian leaders use it as a punishment and they just wanna go after Chicago them selfish bitches" blondie says

"Wait I thought it was amber-stop going after Chicago?" I say

"Nope, there trying to be all nice to Chicago to think amber-stop is gonna hunt them down but it's dystopian" blondie says

"Oh my god, Mathew thought it was amber-stop were in the city that is gonna have war with Chicago" I say

"I know, blondie why did they put us in there, were from Chicago by the way?" Tobias says

"You guys are from Chicago?" Blondie says

"Yeah, since we thought amber-stop was the city was gonna go after us, one of our friends handed us a letter to give to the dystopian leaders to help with us the war" I say

"Did the letter have secret codes and information on it?" Blondie says in a stern face

"Yeah, why?" Tobias says


"WHAT?!" I yell

"They were talking about you guys all the time, they heard you were there strongest people in Chicago, so when they found out you were from Chicago they put you in her on purpose, so you couldn't save your city" blondie says

"They said it was a test, in order to see how strong we were" I say

"Well they lied, they want you to die so you can't save your city and they want Chicago to all there selfs" blondie says

"Oh my god what are we gonna do?" I say

"There's only one way out, and it's getting out at the end of the maze" blondie says

I start to cry and I wrap my arms around Tobias. He brushes my hair with his hands.

"C'mon let's get to bed, I'll show your huts" blondie says

We walk out of this hut, then we go into this big hut. It has 3 twin beds. It looks someone is in that bed.

"Goodnight" blondie says then she shuts the door

"Where's Madison?" I say

"I don't know, but I'm worried" Tobias Says

"I'm right here" Madison says

"Oh my god we thought we lost you" Tobias says

"You didn't lose me" Madison says

"Were in danger" I say

"How so?" Madison says

"We will explain tomorrow, let's just get to bed" Tobias says

I get under the cover and we blow out the candle in the hut. It hurts that I can sleep next to Tobias because the bed is too small. Even though he is right next to me. All I hear is the maze changing. How could we been lied to. Our city is in danger? What are we gonna do.


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You see what I did? 😏. It's gonna be somewhat like the maze runner but somewhat different. I read the book so don't worry 👀


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