Chapter 98: I'm Alive Again

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I open my eyes and see the sunlight coming through the windows in our bedroom. I turn around and I see tobias is still sleeping. I sit up from the bed and I get up. Then I trip on something and fall onto the floor. A big thump I make.

"Tris are you okay?" Tobias says

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine" I say

"Here let me help you" he says

He gets off from the bed and walks over to me and helps me get up.

"Thanks" I smile

"Your welcome love" he says

"Since we're up early how about we get some brunch?" He says

"Sure" I say

I take a bite out of my scrambled eggs, then I hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" I say

"Okay" tobias says

I get up from the metal chair and I walk through the living room to the front door of our apartment. I turn the knob and I see its Christiana.

"Why aren't you dressed?" She says

"What do you mean, it's noon and we just got up" I say

"Don't tell me you forgot about today tris" she says

"I'm sorry I totally forgot, I told four that I was gonna help him with some leadership paperwork" I say

"Tris I told you a week ago that we were gonna go shopping to the pit to get you some clothes!" She says

Then I see tobias walk over to us then he leans his head over the doorframe.

"What's the problems ladies?" Tobias smirks

"Tris told me a week ago I could take her shopping to the pit to get some new clothes" she says

"It's fine tris you can go" tobias smiles

"Really?" I say

"Yeah it's fine we can do it later today, go have some fun time with Christiana you girls have a lot of girl stuff to catch up on" he smirks

"Yah whatever" I laugh

"I'll see you later" he says

"Thanks I love you I'll see you later" I say

"I love you too have fun" he smiles

I stand up on my tippy toes and give him a kiss on the cheek. Then I walk with Christiana off to pit for some clothes this will be fun...

Once we get into the girls dauntless shopping store. Christiana walks over to this one section quickly and she calls me over. There's three clothing shops in dauntless. One is a guy store, a girl store and a kids store. The kids store sells kids clothes for younger dauntless kids. Amity makes these clothes for us, so one in awhile we have to help amity with supplies for giving thanks. I look on metal tables of folded black clothes.

"You need some new t-shirts but tight ones" she smirks

"Why, Cant I just Can use the ones I already have" I whine

"Because there from initiation, they don't know your size they just pick a random size they think most girls would were and obviously it's too big on you" she says

"Ugh, it's cause I'm flat chested" I say

"Nonsense, you just used abnegation bras you had that aren't padded" she says

"Can we not talk about this?" I whine

"No, we need you to get a new style" she says

"Ugh I don't want to wear tight stuff to bed" I say

"I'm not talking about bed, you can wear whatever you want I'm talking about the day" she says

"Fine I'll get new stuff" I roll my eyes

"Yay" she squeaks

"Yeah let's just buy stuff and get out of her" I say

"Okay you need new undergarments too!" She says

"Did we not just talk about this?" I say

"Yes but you need some" she says

"Okay fine" I say


We spent an hour of shopping, I just was about to go crazy through that hour. Well I bought new t-shirts since spring is coming but they're tight, new pants, and Black lace undergarments that Christiana made me buy. I officially hate shopping. I open the door to our apartment. I don't see Tobias downstairs. I yell his name, but no answer. I guess he went down to the dauntless office early. I walk upstairs to our bedroom and I see the necklace tobias gave me. I grab it and I walk up stairs to our balcony. Once I get there I look over the edge of Chicago. All the pain I have gone through these past 6 months was awful. But now I'm finally free, I'm finally alive again.

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