Chapter 67: An Agreement?

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Tris POV:

I walk through the hallways through dauntless were the shops are. There not fancy shops people just work there. Everything is free so. I decide to buy more long sleeve shirts there different styles but they're the same color.

"Thanks for buying" the guy says

"Your welcome, it will do me will in the future" I laugh


I put the bag of clothes down on the couch and I just jump onto the couch. It's pouring outside because I can hear the rain drops hitting the roof and somewhat I can see through the window. The door opens and I see its tobias. He walks over to me and sits down to me.

"Hey" he says

"Hi, how was today?" I say

"It was alright, but I have good news" he says

"What is it?" I say

"Well Lauren talked to me and she offered an agreement for me to work with her in leadership" he says

"Oh" I say

"Well she also said we both could" he says

"Did you say yes?" I say

"No I said I would think about it" he says

"I don't know tobias, it's a big and responsible job" I say

"But tris we would be perfect for it" he says

"Yeah but we are in the hand of 300 hundred people and Children" I say

"So?" He says

"So??, what if something bad happened we have to keep those 300 people save tobias" I yell

"But tris this is an lifetime opportunity" he yells

"Tobias this isn't about the job, it's about popularity isn't it?" I say

He doesn't say anything, he just looks away. He has to be serious about this job.

"Tobias?" I say

"Okay it's not just that tris, it's about changing the dauntless way and how it works in a safer way" he says

"Tobias you don't know what your going to take for a job" I say

"Yes I do tris!" He yells

"I'm just being honest tobias, I'm just tell you what's the best for us" I say

"Well your not being that supportive" he says

"Supportive, oh really I'm telling you the truth tobias I'm doing this because I love you okay?" I say

"We should do what is best for me" he says

"Oh best for you?, hmm what happened to us?" I yell

"Tris" he says

"Just don't say anything!" I yell

"Tris please just listen" he says

"I'm going for a walk" I say

"I'll come with you" he says

"No" I say

I grab my jacket off from the couch and I put it on and walk out the door


I walk down the streets by the dauntless compound in the rain. I walk onto the bridge and down below is a little river. The rain drops land on me and I just tilt my head down. An agreement hmm, I don't think so it's all about tobias agreement.

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