Chapter 11: what do I have to do?

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Tris POV:

"What will I have to do?" I say

"Follow me" Mathew says

Me and Tobias walk out of the room and follow Mathew down this hall. He presses an elevator button and the doors open and we get in the elevator.

Mathew presses a button and a keypad opens up and he types in a code. Then the elevator doors close. I feel is going down. The elevator doors open. Then we walk down these stairs and I find we are in some kind of basement. They're are footage of all Chicago, the bureau and somewhat past the bureau what hell is this?

"Welcome to the Chicago control room" Mathew says

"Control room?" Tobias says in a stern voice

"Yes, we watch all Chicago and past the fence and the bureau to keep us safe" Mathew says

"We have been watched all the time, I knew it" I say

"Yes, but nothing personal only the main parts of dauntless it was for your safety" Mathew says

"Safety?, I feel so violated" I say

"Look, tris we had these cameras for a reason so a war wouldn't happen, but David a year ago didn't want these cameras but look what is gonna happen because of him is David" Mathew says

"Fine, and we're is David" I say

"He killed himself, he regretted killing you so he killed him self" Mathew says

Another person, killed them-self because of me. First al now David. But I didn't know he regretted trying to kill me.

"So what do you think, will you help us save our city?" Mathew says

"Tris, you don't have to do this, I don't want you to get hurt" Tobias says

"It's okay Tobias, I am brave, I am strong we got this together and I am doing this for our home" I say while squeezing his hand

"We will do it" Tobias says

"Great, your rebellions and tris your divergence will help with this" Mathew says

"what will I have to do?" I say

Mathew walks up to a computer and points at the computer screen.

"You guys are gonna have to go to dystopia first and four you gonna have to save your sister and your sister is divergent so it's gonna help" Mathew says

Tobias sister is divergent but not Tobias, that makes no sense?

"Then after you get your sister, I will what you to hand the dystopia leaders is the letter and you will come back to Chicago" Mathew says

"But how are we gonna get there?" I say

"You will have a team, you will go in a car and once you come back we will train you for war and we will make a plan" Mathew says

"When do you think the war is going to happen actually?" Tobias says

"About 3 months based on our data" Mathew says

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I say

"Positive" Mathew says

"Okay" I say

"You'll spend the first month in dystopia" Mathew says

"I'll do whatever I take to save my city no matter what" I say

If I will have to die I will. This is my home and there will be no way it will be destroyed. Chicago is the last standing city that is stable and with the most population in the United States.

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