Chapter 34: Taken

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Tris POV:

I'm gonna talk to Christiana today. She told me zeke and her are going out? I don't believe this because I could never see them going out together. I'm walking down this hallway and then someone grabs me by the arms. Then pushes me against the wall. Then I realize it's Sabrina.

"What the hell do you want?" I scream

"I know your divergent" she says

"So?" I say

"Okay we're gonna make this simple and clear your gonna come with me and gonna obey what I tell you what to do" she smirks

"Shut the fuck up" I yell

I slap her across the face and kick her stomach. I walk away and then she grabs me by my short hair and then throws me onto the floor. Damn this girl is rough. She slaps my face and gets on top of me and pulls out a knife. I flip her over so I'm on top of her and I slap her face. She flips me over again. She steps her feet onto my hands. I try to get up but it's no use. She slaps my face really hard. She brushes my cheek with the knife lightly.

"Look sweetie I'm gonna take you back were I am and you will do what i say" she smirks

"Hell no bitch" I say

"Oh you know your boyfriend hmm what's his name that not guy four looks like I am gonna have him and your not, you both are gonna go through some pain" she smiles

"Your one sick person" I say

"I know" she smiles

"Get the fuck off me bitch" I yell

"Never, come on guys let's take her" she yells

About 5 people in black masks come and Sabrina gets off of me. I try to run away but they get me. I try to kick and punch but it's no use. They put black duck tape on my mouth and tie my hands together. I can't get out of it. I start to scream. I scream for Tobias but it's no use he can't hear me. They take me into this dark room and sit me in a chair, they take off my duck tape but still leave me still tied.


"I don't want anything, I just don't want you to fight in the war" she smirks

"Why, I'm trying to save our city?" I say

"Well because this isn't my city, dystopia is" she says

"Your from dystopia how?" I say

"I escaped from there when I was 13 and I lived with my dad here but he died in the abnegation war" she says

"Why are you doing this?" I say

"Well dystopia is the most unstable city in the United States, Chicago is the most stable and dystopia deserves it" she says

"No it doesn't, your city is hell" I yell

"Well it's not darling, I'm gonna make sure you don't fight in this war because four can't do it alone without you" she winks

"How about your friends show yourself" I say

The people take off there masks. I realize it's blondie, Sam and some other people. How could they I trusted them in the maze they just used me.

"Blondie, Sam you betrayed me your cowards!" I yell

"I'm sorry but we have to do this for our city" Sam says

"Our city, this city is Chicago and it's ours not yours" I yell

"I'm sorry tris, I had to escape and save our city" blondie says

"Don't even bother talking to me, I trusted you and you became friends with me so you could of get out of that damn maze and take my city away so it can be yours" I yell

"We'll goodnight, we will see you in the morning" she says

They walk out of the room and shut the door and they lock it. I'm just sitting her in this room. My city is doomed. Tobias doesn't even know I'm here he thinks I'm at Christiana's. I'm doomed.

Tobias POV:

I take a bite of my steak. I'm sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria for dinner. Tris has been gone for 5 hours now. I wonder what tris and Christiana are doing. Maybe just girl stuff. Maybe she's gonna have a sleepover with her tonight who knows. I get up from the table and walk out of the cafeteria. I walk down the hallway and I reach our room. I'm hoping tris is in our room. I open the door and she isn't in our room. She isn't on our bed nothing. Maybe she's in the bathroom, I open the bathroom door and she's not in there. I guess she is still at Christiana's.

I grab a piece of paper and sit at a desk. I start to write, soon I'm going to purpose to tris. We have been together about 4 months now. I think it's time. I'm going to write a poem for her too.

Then I hear a knock from my door. Maybe it's tris. I get up from my desk and I turn the door nob. I see it's Christiana.

"Where's tris?" I say

"Wait what, I thought she was with you?" Christiana says

"No she's not, I thought she was with you today like she was suppose to" I say

"She never came to my room today" she says

"What?" I say

"That's why I thought she was with you" she says

"No she's not, I thought she was with you all day" I say

"Nope she never came, do you know were she could be?" I say

"I don't know, let's ask Mathew" she says

"Okay" I say


We walk down the control room in the basement of the bureau. It's a huge control room and has a very big team. They have footage of all Chicago and what goes inside of the bureau.

"Mathew" I say

"Yeah?" He says

"Have you seen tris?" I say

"No I haven't why?" He says

"We can't find her, do you have any footage were she could be?" Christiana says

"Um let me check" he says

We walk towards Mathew. I look into his computer screen hoping he has footage.

"I found something" he says

I take a closer look at the computer. He plays the footage. I see tris in the hallway and there's this girl attacking her that has black hair. You can only see her hair not face. Tris is trying fight back but it's no use she's too strong. Then I see some people come, they have black masks on. They take tris away and she is all tied up. I don't know we're they take her. At the end I see this girl with pale skin and brown eyes. I have seen this girl before. Wait a minute it's Sabrina. The girl tris fought about 3 days ago.

"It's Sabrina, her little crew took tris" I say

"Oh my god" Christiana says

Why would Sabrina want to kidnap tris? Why could she be jealous of tris? I thought she was nice. I need to get her back. My girlfriend tris is taken away from me.

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