Chapter 107: The Day

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I wake up to a shake, I open my eyes and I see Christiana. She's standing right above me. I am startled so I flinch.

"Holy shit you scared me" I snap

"Sorry, it's your wedding day get up" she says

I burry my face in my pillow on my sleeping bag and Christiana pulls out of me in the sleeping bag.

I took a bath with a rose scent with it. I'm in my wedding dress now and the girls are doing my hair. They're going to put my hair in a braided bun with some flowers. Christiana finishes the touches with my hair.

"Okay girls time for makeup" Christiana says

"Really do I have to?" I say

"Yes, you need to look amazing tris" she says

"Ugh fine" I say

After she is done with my makeup, she turns me around in the chair and I face the mirror. She rests her head on my shoulder and looks in the mirror with me. I look different, I feel beautiful.

"You look gorgeous tris, four is gonna love how you look" she says

"Really?" I say

"Of course" she says

I'm waiting outside of the pit walking back in fourth. My brides mades start to line up to go down to the alter. I bite my nails because I'm so worried what I'd tobias doesn't wanna marry me anymore what's gonna happen? I see Alex walk over to me and she puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Tris it's okay to be nervous" she says

"I know, but what if four doesn't wanna marry me" I say

"What would you ever think that, he loves you" she says

"I know, it's j-u-s-t" I say

"No worries four is gonna marry you because he loves you for who you are, it's gonna okay" she says

"Thanks Alex, you're a really good friend" I say

"Your welcome tris, I gotta go, I'll see you at the alter" she says

"Okay" I say

The music starts to play and my brides mades start to walk into the pit. I stand in front of the entrance. A dauntless women fixes my dress so everything is right. She hands me red roses to carry. She puts my black vowel down and the music. I start to walk down the isle and I see my brides mades especially Christiana and Alex in their dark red strapless dresses and their a high ponytails. Then I see tobias standing there in his black tux. I get to the isle and tobias removes my vowel he holds my hand.

"We have came here today to celebrate two lovers for their marriage" max says

I look into tobias blue eyes he squeezes my hands tighter. He is nervous too like me.

"Beatrice prior do you take tobias eaton to be your husband?" He says

"I do" I say

"Tobias eaton do you take Beatrice prior to be your wife?" Max says

I can tobias was annoyed that max had to say his full name but that's what you have to when you get married. So I guess he had to suck it up.

"I do" tobias says

"Beatrice do you take tobias in your hands to take care of and to forever hold to the day till you die?" Max says

"I do" I say

"Tobias do you take Beatrice in your hands to take care of and to forever to hold till the day you tie?" Max says

"I do" tobias says

Max gets handed a black pillow of rings. Tobias picks up the sliver ring and puts in it on my finger. I take the ring and slip it in his finger.

"You may kiss the bride" max says

Tobias leans in and brushes his lips with mine then fits his mouth to mine. Everybody starts to clap and yell with happiness. We connect arms and walk down the isle. I wish my parents and my brother we here to see this but they weren't but maybe up in haven they were.

"Ready for the after party?" I say

"Totally, if there's cake" he smirks

"Duh tobias, it's an after party there's gonna be cake!" I laugh

"Then I'm ready" he laughs

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There's only two more chapters left of this story D:. But I'm having a new fanfiction coming soon. Sorry if I got the wedding stuff wrong because I don't know all of it. 😂


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