Chapter 54: Im very sorry

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Tris POV:

Tobias has been in surgery for four hours so far. I have been waiting in the infirmary waiting room ever since he went into surgery. I'm shaking right now I don't know if he is gonna survive. There is only a 50% chance the doctors said that he will survive. Then I see a factionless doctor coming towards me.

"Are you tris prior?" The doctor says

"Yes I am" I say

"Four would like to see you" he says

"Okay" I say

"Follow me" he says

I walk down the hallway and we follow him into the room. I see tobias in his bed. God I feel so awful its all my fault. I walk over to him and pull up a chair next up to him and I hold his hand.

"I'll give you guys some time" the doctor says

He walks away and shuts the door. I just stare into tobias eyes. I just hope I don't burst out crying.

"Tobias" I say

"No tris it's fine" he says

"No it's not" I say

"Tris really" he says

"You almost died tobias because of me" I say

"Tris it's not your fault" he says

"Yes it is, if I haven't gone off running off like that maybe you wouldn't have got shot by that guy" I say

"Tris it was my fault really" he says

"I'm very sorry Tobias you almost died because of me don't you see" I say

"It's okay tris really" he says

"I'm too dangerous for you" I say

"Tris no your not, it was accident what happened" he says

"I can't be with you, I'm gonna get you killed" I say

"Tris I'm not leaving you" he says

"Don't you see I can't be with you, you need to be safe" I yell

"I'm not leaving you okay, Beatrice prior I'm in love with you!" He says

"You don't love me Tobias you don't" I say

"I'm in love you sorry, I can't do anything about it" he says

I just shake my head. I'm just a fool and this sixteen girl who looks twelve, how someone like him love me?

"You are so beautiful okay, if you were the last women on earth you would be the last beautiful thing on this earth" he says

I just start to laugh. Then I start to cry while laughing of happy tears. I fucking love this man. I really do. It's like we were made for each other.

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