Chapter 25: going into the maze

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Tobias POV:

I open my eyes and awake to a banging sound. I see blondie banging on a pot.

"Be ready in 5 minutes" blondie says

"Okay" tris says

"Wait what time is it?" I say

"About 5 in the afternoon, remember This maze is inside so it's really hot outside and they contract the time" blondie says

Tris gets out of bed and brushes her short hair with her fingers since she doesn't have a brush. Me, Madison and tris walk out of the hut and meet where everyone else in the field.

"Well we can't do that" blondie says

"what's going on" says tris

"One of our runners were stung" blondie says

"Stung by what?" I say

"Stunged by a griever, there are these creatures in the maze and that's what kills people" blondie says

"What happeneds to them" I say

"If there stung, they go crazy they could end up killing someone or they could eat you" blondie says

"Oh" I say

"Well we need someone to go in there to find the other runners" someone says

"It's not worth it, if there in there, we can't do anything about it, were not risking our lives" blondie says

"LOOK" someone yells

The rest of the people run to end of the maze. I see someone close to the end of the maze. Then I hear this horrible screech noise. The doors start to close slowly. People start yelling come on.

The doors get closer. Then tris runs through the doors.

"TRIS" I yell

I run through the doors in which little tight space I have. I run to over where the guy is helping the other guy who is stung, so is tris.


We pull him across to the doors and then the doors close. Shit, what's gonna happen now.

"Great you two just killed yourselves" a guy says

"What do you mean killed yourselves?" Tris says

"You killed yourself by going into this damn maze since you weren't a runner and grievers, were already dead" the guy says

"I'm four and this is my girlfriend tris" I say

"I'm Sam" he says

"We gotta hide" tris says

"There's no where to hide, we're screwed and I'm not gonna leave my friend here" Sam says

"What about those vines?" I say

"Okay" Sam says

We put the vine into a loop around the guys stomach and start to pull the rope so he hanging above the ground. Then we hear a growl.

"We need to leave now" Sam says

"But we need to hang him a little higher" tris says

"No we need to fucking leave you here me" Sam says

"Wait" tris says

Then Sam runs away. To where we know who. He is just gone.

"Tris we have to go" I say

then we hear another growl. Then I see this big thing. It has metal legs and a flush face. It has really big teeth and it has saliva coming out of its mouth, like a lot. It must be a griever.

"Hide" I whisper

We climb underneath these vines and we both fit in there when I thought we wouldn't. Then I hear the sounds of metal walking on the ground. It goes click clack. Click clack. Then I see the legs through the vines. I hear a small growl. The sound gets quieter, soon it goes away. I get out from under the vines so does tris.

"I think we're good" I say

"Tobias move closer to me" tris whispers

"Why?" I say

"Griever" she says

I turn around I see a griever climbing right above me. I didn't know they could climb. Me and tris start to run.

"Oh my god what is that?" She yells

"I don't know, it's a griever that's all I know" I say

We start to climb some vines. And the griever starts to climb it too. Soon me and tris get on top. But the griever is too. We start to run ontop of my maze. Soon we come to a gap.

"Jump?" She says

"Yeah, 1-2-3" I say

We both jump and land onto the vines. But soon it breaks and we fall to the ground. We start to run again and we see Sam.

"What the hell, why didn't you listen to me?" Sam says while running

"I didn't know, I wanted to save your friend" tris says

"He isn't my friend, he is my brother" Sam says

"Keep running" I say

"Wait I have a knife in my pocket I can stab this thing" tris says

"You sure" Sam says

"Yeah, you guys go at the end of that dead end, I got this" tris says

"Okay" I say

"Come on bitch" tris says

The griever growls again and starts to run after tris. Then she gets on the vine and swings on it and turns behind the griever. The griever looks way confused. Then she gets her knife out and stabs it. It crys and then she gets her gun out and shoots it. Then it explodes but it doesn't explode on tris.

"Wow you killed a griever" Sam says

"I did, hasn't anyone killed one before?" Tris says

"No, none of all the people who were runners was brave enough to do it and didn't know how" Sam says

"That was really brave tris" I say

"Thanks" she smiles

I kiss her cheek and I wrap my arms around her. She hugs me back too.

"Okay lovebirds help me get my brother done from this vine" Sam smirks

"Okay" I say

We get Sam down from the vines. He is put cold. We stand by the entrance intll morning when the doors will open. We took turns sleeping and was prepared if we saw a griever. That night we didn't see any grievers.

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