Chapter 26: whats gonna happen

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Tris POV:

I wake up to a screeching noise and sunlight. I open my eyes and I see the doors open. There is a row of people standing by there. I shake Tobias to wake up because Sam was on watch.we get up and we see everyone cheering. We walk out of the maze and get out of this hell hole.

"How'd did you do it?" Someone says

"How did you survive?" Someone else said

"Clam down guys" blondie says

"These guys didn't just make us survive they killed a griever" Sam said

"You what?" Blondie said

"I killed one" I say

She walks up to me and shakes me and then smiles.

"YOU ARE AMAZING" she yells

"I have my brother Larson, he was stung can anyone get him to saftey?" Sam says

"Sure" a lady says

Then a couple of people lift him up and walk to a hut.

"Oh my god I thought I lost you both" Madison says

"You didn't" Tobias smiles

"I know, but I couldn't just lose you Guys, you mean a lot to me" Madison says

"Aww that's so sweet" i say


I take a bite out of my chicken and some of my vegetables that the people gave us. The fire is so warm.

"Tobias do you think where gonna gonna get out of here before dystopian gets to Chicago" I say

"Were gonna try" Tobias says

"Hey what's with all the people standing by the open doors by the maze?" Madison says

"The gates should of closed an hour ago this doesn't look good" I say

Me, Tobias and Madison run to where everyone else is standing. People are talking really loud.

"What's wrong?" Tobias says

"The gate isn't closing when they should of an hour ago" blondie says

"This doesn't make sense" Madison says

Then we hear a louder screeching noise then we ever heard before. Then I see the other 3 gates open. What the hell they should be closed. Then I hear someone say grievers. What the hell there's grievers in the glade what?

Then I hear a growl sound.


We all start to run towards the hut. Lots of people are holding blow torches. I hear a growl sound and I see a griever right behind us. Then I see Madison through her blow torch at the griever. It only makes it mad. Then it starts to run faster. We run into the form field. We hear a scream and then we see the tail of the griever and it grabs a boy and he screams. We start to run at the hut and we shut the door tight. We here the griever growl, it tries to get in but it's no use. Then I hear it walk on top of the hut. Haft of the ceiling breaks. It fits it's tail in the hole and grabs Madison's feet.

"HELP" Madison yells

Everyone starts to pull on Madison's feet but they don't let go. I grab my knife and I slam the metal tail with the knife and it lets it go. She runs over to Tobias and starts to cry in his arms.

Then I see it grab Larson, Sams brother , Sam starts to panic.

"It's okay" Larson says

then he let's go of Sams hand and the griever takes him away.

"NOOOO" Sam yells

Then I hear them to go away and 5 minutes later I hear the gates shut. What the hell was that? What's gonna happen next?

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