Chapter 32: Training

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Tris POV:

I'm awaken from a big crash. I open my eyes and I sit up. Tobias is on the floor and he tripped over the chair.

"Tobias?" I laugh

"Yeah?" He says

"Did you trip over the chair" I laugh

"Yeah" he laughs

I shake my head. I pull the covers off of me. I walk over to Tobias and I help him up. I look at his arm he has a big cut.

"And you cut yourself baby" I say

"Yeah" he says

"I'll go get a washcloth" I whine

I open the bathroom door. I grab a washcloth and turn the sink on. I run my washcloth underneath the water. I turn the sink off and I walk out of the bathroom.

"Sit" I say

Tobias walks over to the bed and sits down. I dab his cut with the washcloth lightly.

"Tris thank you for taking care of me" he says

"Your welcome" I laugh

"No I'm serious" he grins

"How so?" I say

"Your such a amazing girlfriend tris, you care about me so much" he says

"And your such a wonderful boyfriend" I smile

He just looks at me. Then he leans in and brushes his lips with mine. And them we are kissing. I put my hands around his neck and then he puts his hands on my waist. The kiss becomes even more passionate. He asks for an entrance and I let him. He puts his hand under the hem of my shirt. He rubs his hands on my back in a circular motion. Then we hear a knock on the door and I groan.

"It's Mathew" he says

"Come in" I say

The door opens and Mathew walks through the door.

"Uh guys you were suppose to be down at training an hour ago and your not even ready" he says

"Oh shit sorry" Tobias says

"Uh we gotta get changed, we will be right down" I say

"Okay" Mathew says

He walks out of the room and then shuts the door. I start to get changed.


When we finally get down to the basement I see Mathew and our whole team. I see some people who are in really big safety suits. Like there padded and there wearing a full face helmet .

"Hey guys were gonna start to practice fighting" Mathew says

"Okay" I say

"Tris how about you go fight with Sabrina, she's gonna go hard on you but you gotta fight" Mathew says

"Sure" I say

"Your not gonna use weapons yet though, you will do that later with your trainer" Mathew says

"Okay" I say

"Tris it's okay you got this, it's just like fighting in initiation in dauntless" Tobias says

"Okay and your right" I smile

"Good luck" he smiles

I walk onto the mat. I see other People fighting around me on the other matts. At least I'm not the only person that is fighting and everyone is watching me like in dauntless. The girl Sabrina has black long curly hair and brown eyes. She's pale like me and she is really tall. Shit how am I going to fight this women.

"Shake hands and introduce yourself" Mathew yells

I walk over to Sabrina and I shake hands with her.

"I'm tris" I say

"I'm Sabrina" she says

"Okay now fight" Mathew says

I get into fighting position. I walk around the Matt. She punches me in the arm. I punch her in the throat and she gags.

"Come on little shorty, try and fight me" Sabrina smirks

"Shut up" I say

"Aww are you to scared" she laughs

I get so mad that I tackle her. I slap her across the face. I see blood drop onto the Matt. I'm guessing my nose is bleeding. I slap her across the face. She flips me over. She punches me and slaps my face. I push her off of me. I slap her and then she picks me up and throws me across the Matt. When I stand up. She kicks me in the face right away and then everything turns black.


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I promise they're will be more fourtris fluff more and even more steamy moments too 😏.

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