Chapter 37: Im done with this

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Tris POV:

me and tobias walk out of the closet and back into the training room. I sit back in my chair and so does tobias.

"okay lets gets get on with the topic" mathew says

I just roll my eyes, I don't wanna listen to this guy. I don't wanna work for him anymore. I just rather be on my own.

"You know what we're done for today, you can go back to your rooms" Mathew says

Everyone gets up from their chairs and walks out of the room except for me and Tobias. Mathew just looks at us and then he starts to walk towards us. I don't even make any eye contact with him. I don't wanna talk to him.

"Tris can I talk to you?" Mathew says

I stand up and I look at him and I walk out of the room. I walk up the stairs then I walk down the hallway. I press the code to go outside at the exit. I run outside and fall to my knees in the snow. I start to cry and I hear someone walking in the snow behind me. I turn and its Tobias. I fall to the ground and my tears fall into the snow.

"Tris baby" Tobias says


"Can't take what?" He says

"All of this, I don't want a another war, I wanted just a regular dauntless life like I was suppose to have" I yell

"I know tris, I did too" he says

"Why did this have to happen to us?" I say

"What to you mean?" He says

"Why did we have to go through this pain, al killed himself because of me, I killed will, my mom died so did my dad and my brother betrayed me" I say

"I know tris" he says

"I'm not gonna fight in this war anymore" I say

"Tris I can't do this alone" he says

"I need to be alone Tobias" I say

"Tris you have me" he says

"No I don't, I'm going back to the city alone bye Tobias" I say

I start to run towards the city. I don't know if Tobias is following me. I just need to get back there before dark. I'm not gonna fight in this war anymore. I'm gonna die anyways. I'm just done with this

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