Chapter 8: Tests

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Tobias POV:


I see tris sleeping in her bed peacefully. She snores in her sleep how cute. I'm so glad she is back. I thought she was never gonna wake up. I lift my head up and I get up from the chair. I open the door and walk down to the hallway in the cafeteria. I grab a tray and grab some brunch for tris and I.

"Hey bro how's tris doing?" Zeke says

"Uh she is doing alright I guess" I say

"Good, I'm happy for you too that your reunited again man" zeke says

"Thanks it means a lot, I'm gonna go bring some brunch back for us so I'll catch up to you later" I say

"Alright I'll see you around" zeke says

I walk out of the cafeteria and walk back to tris's room. I open the door slowly so I don't wake her. She is still sleeping. I put the tray of food right next to the metal nightstand next to her bed. Then I sit back in the chair and I brush tris's hair with my hand. Her eyes open and she just smiles at me.

"Morning" she says

"Hey, I brought you some brunch" I say

"Thanks" she smiles

I hand her the tray of food and I carefully put it on her lap.

"Bacon yes, my favorite" she says

I start to eat my toast on the plate and I see the crumbs fall onto my lap.

"Tobias am I gonna get out of this bed tonight?" She says

"I don't know tris but maybe" I say

"Okay because I wanna spend more time with you" she says

"Trust me we will" I smile

Then I see the door open and I see it's Mathew and the doctor. The doctor is holding a clipboard.

"Hello, I'm doctor maxwell I just wanted to let you know tris was in a serious coma but somehow the resurgence serum got through her body in time" doctor maxwell says

"Okay thank you" I say

"And the surgery went well, her body is perfectly clean and healthy but she will be somewhat sore for a couple of days so tris take it easy" doctor maxwell says

"And hopefully if the tests we do today goes well she will be released by tonight" Mathew says

"Ugh more tests Mathew" tris complains

"Yeah I'm sorry tris" Mathew Says

"How long will it be to run these tests?" I say

"About a couple of hours" Mathew says

"Ugh, okay I'm gonna do some things" I say

"Okay thank you, come on tris it's gonna be awhile" doctor Maxwell says

"I'll see you soon okay, love you" I say then I kiss her cheek

"I love you too" she says

Then Mathew pushes tris's bed out of the room and down the hall. Well this is gonna be a long boring afternoon. Ugh why did tris have to get shot in the first place?

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