Chapter 35: I got You

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Tobias POV:

It has been three hours I have been looking for tris. This bureau is so big since it used to be an airport. I can't find her. I need to find tris before I go crazy. It's almost midnight now. Me, Christiana and zeke are walking down the hallway on the 3rd floor. I hear screaming. It looks like it's coming at the end of the hallway. I walk closer and it sounds like tris's scream.

"Guys I think I found her" I say

I run down the hallway and I try to open the door and it doesn't open.

"Let me, I know a hair trick" Christiana smirks

She goes into her pocket and takes out a bobby pin. She unlocks the door. I find tris in a chair being cut. She's only in a tanktop and her underwear the hell. I punch Sabrina in the face when everyone handles everyone else. So throw Sabrina into a glass case and it breaks. It looks like she passed out. I untie tris from the chair. I put one of my hands underneath her thigh and the other on her arm. I pick her up.

"Go ahead man, we will take care of these people" zeke says

"Thanks" I say

I run down the hallway still carrying tris. Once we reach our room. I open the door and I put her on our bed. I lock the door. She's shaking. I go into the bathroom and get a washcloth and a bucket.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just gonna clean your cuts okay?" I say

She nods. I dab the cut with the washcloth lightly. She whimpers. I clean the blood up from the cut. Once I'm done cleaning up the cuts. I grab some clothes for her. I grab some Black leggings and a long sleeve shirt for her since it's snowing outside and it's very cold. I pull the pants up her legs. She lifts her arms and I pull the shirt down her chest. I pull the covers down and I put her on the pillow. I shut the lights off. I get on the other side of the bed. I pull the covers over us. I put my arms around her waist and I lean my head on her shoulder.

"Tell me what happened baby" I say

"Sabrina attacked me and then she cut me because I said I wouldn't obey her" Tris says

"Why didn't you obey her?" I say

"Because she wanted me to do bad things and I wouldn't want to that" she says

"Good tris, your okay now your safe" I say

"I'm still scared" she says

"It's okay tris your safe and if you have any bad dreams I'll fight your bad dreams" I say

"With what?" She says

"My bare hands obviously" I say

"Oh I remember you said that in amity" she says

"You remember that? I grin

"Yeah of corse, how wouldn't" she says

"I didn't forget ether" I say

She just smiles at me. I kiss her cheek.

"Baby go to sleep" I say

"Okay" she smiles

"I got you safe okay, just go to bed" I say

Soon I fall asleep, I saved her. I swear Sabrina will pay for this. She had no right to do that to tris. But right now I said I would protect tris. I can only hear peace. The sound of snowflakes touching the cold ground on this January cold night.

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