Chapter 54: You lied

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Tris POV:

I'm running down the hallway with tears in my eyes. I know tobias is running after me but I don't care. I'm really pissed off at him right now. It doesn't even seem that he cares about us it only seems he cares about himself.

I just can't look at him right now. I run down the steps and outside of the factionless headquarters.

"TRIS" tobias yells

I don't answer him. I just keep running away from him. I don't even look at his face nothing I just keep running. Then I see tobias right in front of me and then he puts both of his hands on my shoulders.

"Don't touch me" I yell

"I'm sorry tris what's wrong?" He says

"You don't even know" I cry

"What do you mean tris?" He says

"You don't even know do you?" I say

"I don't know what your talking about" he says

"Your a lair" I cry

More tears start to come out of my eyes. I can't even look at him right now for what he has done.

"What are you talking about tris, I didn't lie to you?" He says

"They're you go again!" I say

"Tris baby please just tell me what I said or did wrong" he says

"You agreed with your mother that I looked like a twelve year old girl" I say

"Tris.." He says

"I can't believe you, I trusted you don't you see?" I say

"Tris I would never say that" he says

"Stop lying okay, I can't even look at you right now" I say

"Tris please" he says

I start to walk away with my arms crossed in the morning fog. I hear Tobias yell my name but I INGORE it. Then I see someone put a gun at the side of my head. I start to scream but I hear no answer from anyone even though a gun is pointed at the side of my head.

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