Chapter 38: Let it all go

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Tris POV:

I start to run then I trip onto the snow. I put my hands on my face and I start to cry.

"TRIS" Tobias yells

"Get Away from me" I say

"No I'm not leaving you" he says

"Just let it go Tobias, you don't need me no one does" I say

"I need you tris" he says

I look at the buildings in the sky of Chicago. You can't see it that well. I breathe in the cold air. It's a sunset and I see dark clouds. Flurries start to come down from the sky.

"Why do you need me?" I mumble

"Because your my everything, you made me a better person" he says

"I need you too" I say

He just looks at me and then he leans in. He brushes his lips with mine. Then were kissing. The kiss becomes more passionate. I put my arm around his neck and he puts his hands on my waist. I pull away and I smile at him.

"Come on love birds, it's getting dark" Christiana says

"Okay" I say

We start to walk back to the bureau. All I hear is the sounds of the snow were stepping in. When we finally reach inside. We're soaked from the freezing cold.

"Cmon tris lets get ready for bed" Tobias says

"Okay" I say


When we finally reach our room, Tobias opens the door and by accident I get my hand caught between the door.

"Ow" I yelp

I finally get it out of the door and it's not broken but it's bleeding very bad.

"You okay?" He says

"Yeah I just got my finger just got caught in the door" I say

"Here let me help you" he says

He walks up to me and shuts the door. He leads me to the bed. He walks towards the bathroom and opens the door. I hear the sound of running water. He comes out of the bathroom with a bucket of water, washcloth and a big roll of bandage. He kneels down and takes the washcloth and rubs off my blood. Then he takes a piece of bandage and wraps it around my finger.

"Thank you" I say

"I'm just caring for my girlfriend" he smiles

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" he says

Then he kisses my hand, I smile. He grabs my hand and pulls me in front of the fireplace. The lights in our room are dimmed so the fireplace is the most light in the room. I sit next down to him. He holds my hand.

"Tris?" He says

"Yeah?" I say

"I know this might not be the right time, but ever since you hit that net I don't how but you caught my eye, Beatrice there's something about you that just touches my heart. When I was training you in dauntless I don't know how but I could never stop looking at you because you were so beautiful. When I helped you there was a spark just lifted off. And the day we kissed at the chasm there was this amazing feeling called fire with you. We had our fights but that's what makes our relationship real. Beatrice you are the most Beautiful generous girl I have Met, will you marry me?" He says

"Oh my god Tobias, you are so sweet I'm so blessed I have met you and of corse I will" I say

Happy tears come down my face. I wipe the tears off my face. He takes out a box and opens the box. He takes the ring out and puts the ring on my finger. It's a pretty blue diamond that is a shape of a heart and on the ring part it said a four and six in cursive.

"I love it, it's so beautiful" I smile

"I thought you would like it" he says

We both lay down in front of the fireplace, I rest my face on his chest. He kisses my forehead. That night we fall asleep on the floor not bothering going into our bed.

I choose him and he chooses me over and over again♥︎♥︎♥︎

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