Chapter 33: Beating Heart

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Tris POV:

I wake up to a beating sound, I open my eyes and I see Tobias laying on my stomach. I must of passed out when Sabrina hit me. I brush his hair.

"Hey" tobias smiles

"What happened?" I say

"You passed out because Sabrina hit you in the face" he says

"Oh okay" I say

"How long have I been out?" I say

"About 3 says" he says

I don't know why but I start to cry. Tears just start to come down my face. Tobias wraps his arms around me and wipes my tears away with his thumbs.

"I ruin everything" I say

"No you don't" he says

"Yes I do, I'm slowing this plan done with my failure" I say

"Your not a failure" he says

"Yes I am, I don't know why my heart should be beating right now, I should be dead" I say

"Do not say that" he says

"No it's all true and I don't know why you picked me during initiation you'd should of picked someone else instead of me" I say

"Why should have I done that tris?" He says

"Because I'm not pretty, I have no curves I just hate the way I look" I say

"Tris your beautiful and I love the way you look why can you not see that?" He says

"Because I don't!" I yell

"Tris your never gonna get over this intll you believe me" he says

"I try Tobias I do, but I don't see it" I say

"Well I see it and you should too" he says

"I just hate myself, I hate everything about me" I say

"Don't say that tris, I love everything about you!" He yells

"I shouldn't be here, the world would be so perfect and peaceful without me" I say

He just doesn't say anything back at me. He just leans in and starts to kiss me hard. He pushes me against the wall and puts his hands on my waist. I put my hands around his neck. He starts to kiss my neck. I moan a little and he puts his hand underneath my shirt. He rubs his hands in a circular motion on my back. He starts to kiss my collarbone. Then he kisses

My three ravens. He unclips my bra and it falls to the floor. I reach for the hem of his shirt and I take off his shirt. I run my hand down his chest. He takes off my shirt. He kisses down my stomach.

"Your beautiful tris I told you" he whispers

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" he says

He takes off my jeans. He pulls me onto of him on the bed. He starts to kiss from my ankle up to my thighs. He takes off my underwear. And he thrusts into me. It hurts but then turns into pleasure. Then we both fall asleep. He is right i am beautiful but I never believe him. He keeps my heart beating.

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