Chapter 21: The night

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Tris POV:


"Be ready to get up Around 7 am tomorrow to practice" the guard says

Then he shuts the door and locks it. What the hell is going on here? I guess were gonna die anyway.

"Tobias what are we going to do" I say

"I don't know tris, I don't know" Tobias says

I look around the room. The walls are made of metal. Our room before was made of metal but not all of it. It has one full size bed.

The room we stayed in last night was nicer. It had a queen size bed, it had a window, it had a bathroom, a couch and like 3 lights and also heat. This room has a bathroom but no privacy. It's cold there's no heat. There's on one lightbulb hanging from the string in the room. This is like a dungeon. No duh they were stubborn.

"I don't wanna be here anymore" I cry

"Me ether baby" he says

I walk up to him and I start to cry into his chest. Then it turns into sobbing. I can't take this anymore. I want peace. I want peace. I want a peaceful life.

"Shh don't cry" he says while stroking my hair

"I can't, ever since the damn war bad things happened" I say

"I know, I wish we could have a peaceful life you and me" he says

"How, I don't think this is gonna end" I say

"No it is, I just don't know when" he says

I rest my forehead against his and another tear comes down my face. He takes his thumb and wipes it across my cheek. Then he kisses my cheek.

"I don't wanna die" I say

"Your not gonn" he says

"You don't know that, you don't know what's out there" I say

"We are gonna make sure we're not okay" he says

Then the door opens and it's another guard holding a tray and a gallon of water.

"Here's your dinner, here's your soup for the night and here are the cups for your water" the guard says

"Thanks" I say

He doesn't say anything and he just shuts the door and locks it.

Well that was rude like really.

Tobias walks over to were the tray is and he picks it up. Then he puts it on the bed. He sits on the bed and I sit next to him. He pours the water in the glasses. He hands me my soup. Then I start to eat my beef soup.

"Where's Madison?" I say while taking a sip of my soap

"She's next door" he says

"Is she okay?" I say

"I think so, she's strong enough" he says

"Oh okay" I say

I put my empty bowl on the tray so does Tobias. He picks up the tray and puts it on the old wooden nightstand next to us. Then he sits back down. I start to shiver because how cold it is in the room. He starts to take his jacket off.

"Tobias don't" I say

"No I want to, I'm fine I have a long sleeve shirt under" he says

"You don't have to" I say

"I want to" he smiles

He wraps his jacket around me and it feels so warm. It smells like him. He smells like safety. I start to cry again. What if we never get out of here? Then we will never save our family.

"Don't cry baby" he says

"I just can't, I'm afraid I'm in fear" I say

"I'm afraid too" he says

"What?" I say whole wiping my eyes

"You may not think I'm afraid but I am afraid" he says

I slide underneath the cover and I turn the other way. More tears come down my face. I start to whimper. I feel Tobias getting under yeah the covers too. He kisses my cheek. Then he wraps his arms around my waist. Soon I fall asleep from crying so much.

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