Chapter 70: no more fighting

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Tris POV:

I run after tobias in the hallway and I just decide to tackle him because he would just walk away if I tried to talk to him to not let him leave. When I jump onto him he just looks so surprised.

"Tris what are you doing?" He says

"I'm not letting you go" I say

"By this way?" He laughs

"Yes, I'm not letting you go you don't understand that I love you so much" I say

"Tris I know you do, I'm just doing this to keep you safe" he says

"I rather be with you then anything else in the world" I say

"Tris" he says

"Please I love you so much tobias, your my everything I just can't live without you" I say

He doesn't say anything he just fits his lips to mine. He asks an entrance and I let him. He gets up so do I and then he pushes me against the wall and then he starts to kiss my neck. My heart starts to beat fast everything tingles up inside of me. Then he kisses each of my raven tattoos

"We should take this inside" he laughs

"Yes we should" I smirk

We walk back into the apartment and he shuts the door. He picks me up bridal style. I just laugh because I love tobias so much. He drops me on the bed gently.

I put my hands around his neck. He starts to kiss my neck. I moan a little and he puts his hand underneath my shirt. He rubs his hands in a circular motion on my back. He starts to kiss my collarbone. Then he kisses

My three ravens. He unclips my bra and it falls to the floor. I reach for the hem of his shirt and I take off his shirt. I run my hand down his chest. He takes off my shirt. He kisses down my stomach.

"Don't leave me" I say

"Never" he says

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" he smiles

He takes off my jeans. He pulls me onto of him on the bed. He starts to kiss from my ankle up to my thighs. He takes off my underwear. And he thrusts into me. It hurts but then turns into pleasure. No more hate, no more violence, no more fighting.

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