Chapter 92: Mirror

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AN//: I added a YouTube video called brains by banks. She's the artist who

did waiting game on the divergent soundtrack. So I thought this song would do good for this chapter.


Tears come down my face. My fiancé killed my brother? Why did he? I would never think he would ever do something like that? I don't know what I'm feeling right now.

"I did not mean to do it, he almost pushed me down the chasm and I by accident I pushed him I'm sorry tris you can go leave me now" tobias says

"No" I say

"Huh?" He says

"I'm not leaving you" I say

"Tris what I've done is horrible I feel so awful" he says

"It's okay, you had to do what you had to do" I say

"Tris" he says

"Just come here" I say

He wraps his arms around me and I wrap my arms around his. He buries his face in my shoulder. I his tears land in my shoulder.

"It's okay, I forgive you he was a traitor anyway" I say

"I'm so sorry" he says

"It's okay tobias, I need to clean up your hands there bleeding" I say

"Okay" he says

I grab a bucket from underneath the sink and I fill it up with with water. Then I grab a washcloth. I clean off the blood off tobias hands from him crashing the hand in the mirror. After I clean the blood off tobias waits in the doorway.

"You coming?" He says

"Yeah, Im just gonna clean up this broken glass just go to bed now tobias you need some rest" I say

"Okay" he says

He walks out of the door. I start to pick up some of the glass off the tile floor. Then I stand up and put it in the sink with the rest of the glass. Then I look in the mirror with haft broken glass.

If I'm really a winner were did these Demons come from?


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