Chapter 86: You're Fine

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Tris POV:

I scream for tobias name, but no one comes. I can't even move I need someone's help. Am I going to die I don't want to now please.

I open my eyes and everything is fine. Tobias is sleeping on my stomach. No fire has started thanks god it was just a dream. I feel tears on my face I must have been crying. I chuckle a little bit. Tobias lifts his head and looks at me.

"What's wrong?" He says

"It was just a bad dream" I say

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He says

"No it's fine, I just need to a take a walk" I say

"Tris you need rest" he says

"No it's fine you can come with me if you Want" I say

"Okay" he says


We reach the chasm and we sit on a rock were we kissed before. I let my feet dangle over the edge while the mist of the water hits my ankles. Tobias holds my hand.

"Tris, we're gonna get through this" he says

"really?" I say

"Of corse, we're not going to die we will figure this out" he says

"I don't wanna lose you tobias" I say

"You won't I promise that" he smiles

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" he says

I yawn and I rest my head on his lap. He brushes my hair with his hands and I close my eyes and soon I fall asleep.

Tobias POV:

Soon tris falls asleep, I pick her up and I carry her back to the infirmary. I lay her down back onto the bed. I pull the sheet over her. I kiss her forehead.

"Sweet dreams love" I say

I lay my head on her stomach and soon I fall asleep.


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