Chapter 6: I wish i could

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Tris POV:


I walk back to my room. Then I see Tobias holding my hand.

"Tris" he says

"I know you can't hear me, but I just want to let you know if you leave me that will be okay and I will always love you but keep fighting I know you can, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever known" he says

I start to tear up, oh my god I love this boy he means the world to me. I love him.

"Please stay I need you" he says and then he starts to tear up.

I hear someone say Beatrice. It must be my mom. I walk out of the room and it gets louder. I walk down the hallway and it gets louder. I run down the hallway and I turn on the corner. Then it stops and then I hear it again I run again. Why do I keep hearing my name were is this coming from? What the hell. Then I see my mom.

"Mom" I say

"It's time to wake up" my mom says

"What?" I say

"Beatrice based on your actions, you are ready to wake up" my mom says

"What, but mom I can't lose you again" I say while crying

"It's okay Beatrice you can let go, but I will see you someday" my mom says

I walk up to her and I wrap my arms around her and she wraps her arms around mine. I lean my head on her shoulder and I start to cry.

"I will always love you mom" I say

"I love you too sweetie, I'll see you soon" my mom says then she kisses my cheek

Then I see a bright light. And then I see

Me when I was about a baby I look like I am 4 years old. I see me and Caleb playing with toys we are in abnegation. Then I see me when I was about 10. I was running after the dauntless. I looked so happy then. I see me when I was 12 I am in highschool sitting in class next to Caleb. We are learning about faction history. I see me when I am 14. I am walking down the hallway in school I run not a abnegation boy he looks 16, he has brown hair and dark blue eyes. Oh my god it's Tobias's. Then I see me when my mother is cutting my hair on the day of the test. Then I see me at the choosing ceremony when I choose dauntless. Then I see me when. I meet will, Christiana and al. I see me with Tobias when we first kissed. I see me In the war. I see me when I got shot. Then everything disappears and I wake up.

I open my eyes. I see there's this mask thing in my mouth that is putting oxygen in my mouth. Everything is blurry I look around the room and I can tell I'm still in the bureau. My vision starts to clear up and I see Tobias laying on my lap. I take the oxygen thing out of my mouth.

"Tobias" I say

"Tris" he says

Finally I reunited with my love again.

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