Chapter 4: Surgery?

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Tris POV:

My eyes open and I see Mathew talking to Tobias.

"She is going to need surgery" Matthew says

"What, why?" Tobias says

"We need to take the bullet out of her body, we thought she was gonna survive with it" Mathew says

"How long is it gonna be?" Tobias says

"About a couple hours" Mathew says

"Okay, can I say something to her first" he says

"Sure" Mathew says

I see Tobias walk over to me and hold my hand. I can see tears coming down his face.

"Please if you stay, I'll do anything, it's all I up to and I will always love you" he says

"I will love you too" I say

Some other people wheel me out of the room and down to the hall into this private room. I see Tobias walk away.

I start to cry, I just need this to be over. I need to wake up. Just wake up tris.

I see my mom appear again.

"Mom what should I do?" I say

"It's all up to you sweetie" my mom says

"I don't understand what that means" I say

"You will know, just trust me" my mom says

What am I going to do? I am so lost in my self. I need to wake up. God I just want this end

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