Chapter 105: Never

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I go to Christiana's apartment, I have Been crying so much. My eyes are mostly red. I knock on the door and Christiana opens it and she looks in shock.

"Oh my god what happened?" She says

"Can I come in?" I say

"Of course"


"So he just slapped you?" Christiana says

"Yeah, he didn't even run after me" I say

"What an ass" she says

"I know, I'm just so hurt that he did that to me" I say

"Just give it some time to cool off, I'm sure he didn't mean it" she says

"I don't know Christiana, it seems like he did it on purpose" I say

"You don't know that" I say

I take a sip of my coffee out of the cup I'm holding. Then I hear a knock on the door Christiana gets up and she opens it and it's will.

"Christiana is tris here?" Will says

"Yeah she is, why?" She says

I walk over to the door and I lean my head on the doorframe.

"Tris you have to come to the chasm quick" will says

"Why?" I say

"Four told me what he did to you and he is gonna jump because he felt so bad for what he did" he says

"What?" I snap

"You have to come, let's go" he says


Me and will walk down to the chasm and I see Tobias standing at the edge of the chasm. I'm about to walk over to him when will grabs me by my shoulder.

"Take it easy on him okay, be careful" he whispers

"Okay" I whisper

I walk towards tobias and he turns his head. His eyes are all bloodshot and tears are coming down his face.

"Tobias don't move please" I say

"Why should I, your never gonna forgive me for what I did" he says

"Yes I will, it's alright" I say

Then I see him fall I run over to the edge and I grab his hand. I try to pull him up but he is too heavy.

"HELP" I yell

Will helps me pull him up, and we finally get him over the edge and I pull him into my shoulder and he starts to cry.

"Never leave me" I cry

"Never" he says


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