Chapter 78: just spend some time with me

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Tobias POV:

We just came back from after spending some time with madison. She still doesn't remember me. I don't know what's going but two people who don't remember anyone else except tris that's a little fishy. I see tris coming down the stairs holding a wooden box. I walk over to her and grab the box.

"Tobias it's fine, I got it" she smiles

"No tris I'll get it, I have a special night planned for us tonight" I say

"Oh really and what must that be?" She smirks

"You'll see, how about you go get freshened up since you have been going all over the place today" I say

"Alright" she says

She walks up the stairs and I hear the shower start to run. I decide to get ready for the evening. I wanna try to make it romantic as possible.

Tris POV:

I walk down the stairs, and I see the living room is dimmed. I see candles everywhere and it smells like dauntless cake. I also see the fireplace on and I see tobias sitting across from it. I sit next to him.

"Hey gorgeous" he says

"Hi handsome" I smirk

"No really your so beautiful tris, I cannot never stop staring at you because your so beautiful" he says

"Thanks" I blush

"Hey I saw you blush" he laughs

"What no, I did not!" I lie

"I saw that, don't lie to me tris prior" he laughs

"Okay fine I did, you caught me" I laugh

"I knew it!" He laughs

"Your so silly" I giggle

He starts to tickle me, I get away from him and run around the living room. He runs after me and I trip and I fall I top of tobias.

"Gotcha" he smirks

"Shut up and kiss me" I laugh

He brushes his lips with mine. And then we're kissing, he asks for an entrance and I let him.

"I have some dauntless cake for us" he smirks

"Okay let's have some" I say


Me and Tobias have been spending lots of time just laughing and kissing for the past hour. Tobias comes from the kitchen with a metal tray.

"What's that?" I say

"Chocolate strawberries" he says

Tobias it's next to me. He grabs a chocolate strawberries and puts it in his mouth. He looks so surprised.

"This is way better then dauntless cake" he says

"Oh really, let me try one" I say

"Try it it's amazing" he says

I pick a strawberry up from the tray and I'm about to put it in my mouth.

"Wait these strawberries are from amity right, not like from the street?" I laugh

"They're from amity tris, I wouldn't give us dirty strawberries" he laughs

I try it and I taste the coldness from the strawberry and chocolate. It's such a sweet taste.

"Oh my gosh your right" I laugh

"Let me try to feed one to you" he says

"Ohh so your trying to be romantic" I smirk

"Yes I am, let me try trissy" he says

"Don't call me that" I laugh

"Why I think it's cute" he says

"Whatever" I smirk

I open my mouth and tobias grabs the strawberry and try's to put it in my mouth but misses my mouth. Then he smears the chocolate all over my nose.

"You asshole" I laugh

I get the cake and I smear it all over his face. I run around the living room. Then I run up the stairs.

"I just wanted you to spend time with

Me tris" he whines

"Well if you want to come and get me" I laugh

"I will" he smirks

I start to run down the hallway upstairs and Tobias comes after me. God I love him so much.


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