Chapter 65: I got You

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Tobias POV:

Tris has been gone for fifteen minutes right now and I'm starting to get worried. But why would something go wrong in a bathroom? That makes no sense maybe I should check on here. I get up from the rock and walk through a crowd of people. Then I walk down the hallway and I hear something. I walk closer to hear and it sounds like someone is screaming but there not able to. I walk down the hallway in the darkness with a little but of light then I realize it's tris being pressed up against the wall with her tights ripped off and on the ground and she's only wearing a bra what the hell?


I walk over to the guy and I slap the guy and he falls to the ground. He comes back to fight me I kick him right in the stomach and he falls to the ground in the pain. I pick up tris and I carry her to the apartment with her sobbing In my shoulder.


I open the door with my hip and I carry her to the couch and I lay her down on there. I walk back and shut the door and then I lock it. I run over to tris and I kneel down. I look at her hands there all bloody and have bruises. Tris is just sobbing.

"Tris baby, please tell me what this guy did to you?" I say

"No I'm not telling you, your going to kill him" she says

"No I'm not, I just wanna know what he did" I say

"Promise?" She mumbles

"I promise" I smile

"Well when I was walking to the bathroom that guy pushed me against the wall and put his hand over my mouth and started to kiss me a-n-n-d-d" she mumbles

"And then what?" I say

"He started to rip off my clothes slowly" she cries

"Well luckily he didn't do anything that would cause bad trouble in the future" I say

"Yeah" she cries

I was so relieved that that guy didn't actually rape her he tried to but he didn't. If he did that guy would be dead right now. But no guy should ever force a girl to do that.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get some bandages and a washcloth to clean up your cuts" I say

"Okay" she mumbles


When I come back into the room with some bandages and a washcloth in water to clear her cuts I find her sobbing into the pillow on the couch. I run over to her and put the stuff on the ground and I sit next to her and I pull her into embrace.

"Shh it's okay let it all out" I say

"He tried to rape me" she sobs

"It's okay I won't let you touch you again, I got you" I say

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