Chapter 42: War has spreaded

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Tris POV:

I wake up to the sound of beeping. I see lights above me and people standing over me. When my vision gets less blurry I realize it's Tobias, Mathew and Caleb standing over me.

"What's going on?" I say

"You got shot in the arm tris really deep and I had to do surgery to get it out or you would die" Mathew says

"You lost a lot of blood tris" Caleb says

I hear the door open and I See Madison running into the room like she was nervous or scared from something. She stands next to me.

"What happened to tris?" She says

"She was shot in the arm very deep so we had to perform surgery and she lost a lot of blood" Caleb says

"Oh my god" she says

"Will I be able to fight again?" I say

"I don't know tris you were shot pretty bad you need some rest" Tobias says

"But they need us" I say

"I know they do tris, but you can't find in the war right now not for at least two weeks" Mathew says

"No no, they need me Tobias can't do this alone" I say

"Tris I'm sorry but your too hurt right now" Caleb says

"I'm not going to let Tobias do this alone okay I'm going!" I yell

"Tris listen to them" Tobias says

"Your agreeing with this too, I thought we were doing this together Tobias!" I yell

"Tris I know we were doing this together but your just too hurt right now" he yells

"What happened in the past 24 hours?" I say

"We had 500 soldiers now we have 200 left" Caleb says

"We lost 300 soldiers in the past 24 hours?" I gasp

"Yes tris we have it's getting worse it's a blood bath out there" Mathew says

"Were are they now?" I say

"The-r-r-e in the city now of flowed out to the city since 3:00 this morning" Mathew says

I look up at the ceiling tears start to come down my face. No no this cannot be happening. The war is in the city now. Oh my god no I didn't want this to happen.

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