Chapter 28: I can go home?

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Tris POV:

I wake up in Tobias arms. Are beds are still moved together so we could sleep together. I can still tell it's nighttime. I hear crickets. What if we never get out here? Our city will be destroyed. That's why I drank the memory serum to save my city. Now I am put in this stupid maze. I start to sob. I can't take this anymore.

"Bad dream?" Tobias Says

"No, I just wanna go home" I cry

"Shh, were gonna get home soon" he says

"When?" I say

"I don't know, but it's soon" he says

"Today?" I say

"We can try" he says

"Then we will soon when morning time comes" I say

"Okay let's go back to bed" he says

"Okay" I say

I only hear the maze changing. Soon sleep catches me. And I eventually fall asleep.


Tobias POV:

I open my eyes and I see it's morning. The sunlight is coming through the cracks of the hut. I look to the left and I see tris sleeping. I look at her features at her parted lips. She puts her hand under her head and she lays on her side. She looks so beautiful and i smile.

I sit up and pull the covers off me. I get up and walk over to tris and kiss her forehead. I put on my combat boots. Then I open the door and walk outside of the hut.

"Blondie" I yell

"Yeah?" She says

"We need to get out the maze today" I say

"How, this isn't just gonna work were need years of practice to get out of here and we have been practicing for years" blondie says

"Please" I say


"Please, we have a tool now you could really get out of here" I say

"Fine, we will leave in a hour" blondie says

"Thank you" I say

"I will tell the others if they want to come" blondie says

"Okay" I say

She walks away, then I run back to the hut so I can tell tris and Madison that were gonna leave in a hour. I open the door in the hut. I see that Madison and tris are still sleeping. I walk over to tris and shake her. She opens her eyes.

"Yeah?" She says

"We're getting out of this maze today" I smile

Tris POV:

"We're getting out of This maze today" Tobias smiles

"What?" I laugh

"Were gonna get out in a hour" he says

"Oh my god" I smile

I'm gonna get out of this maze today. I can go home and save my city. I can see my brother and Christiana. I can go home finally.

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