Chapter 22: darkness

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Tris POV:

Something is after me but I don't know what it is. I'm in a dark room with no one around me. Then I hear something growl. It comes out with red eyes and then everything turns black.


I open my eyes. I find myself panting and sweating. There's tears coming down my face. I grab a trash can and I puke into it. Tobias sits up and puts his hand onto my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He says

"I don't know, I just can't take this" I say

"It's gonna be okay" he says

"No it's not, we're going into that stupid maze tomorrow" I say

"I know" he says

I put my hands in my face and I start to cry. Tobias puts his arms around me and leans his head on my shoulder. God why does everything bad happen to us?

"We will stick together no matter what" he says

"Yeah we will" I say

"C'mon let's get some sleep" he says

We lay down again and I rest my head on his chest. Soon finally sleep catches me.


Tobias POV:

I hear the door open. But I'm not sure if I am dreaming or not.

"Rise and shine" a guard says

I open my eyes and see a guard right next to our bed.

I shake tris and she wakes up. We both get our of the bed.

They put ropes around our hands so we won't get away. We walk downstairs into this room.

"Get changed" the guard says

Tris is in a different room. I'm worried about her. I get changed into the clothes. Then I drop into this box. Then everything turns black.

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