Chapter 96: Fourtris

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"I'll say it one more time be brave" I say

I sob into my hands, she's gone. She sacrificed herself for me. There's no way I can ever repay her for that. She's gone I lost her. I throw her gun and throw it across the room. I hear a door open and I find its Christiana and madison.

"Four what's wrong?" Christiana gasps

"She's gone, she's dead" I sob

"W-h-h-a-t?" Christiana mumbles

"She's gone" I sigh

"She can't be gone" madison cries

"She is and I cannot save her no one can this time" I sob

Christiana leans against the wall and slides down crying. I see some tears come down Madison's face.

"She was my best friend and she's gone" Christiana cries

Then the door opens again and I see its will. I stand up in shock, how the hell is he alive? I thought he died.

"Will?" I say

"Hi, four" he says

"How are you even alive?" I say

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later" he says

"Will?" Christiana says

"Christiana" will says

"Your alive" she cries

"Yeah I am" he says

Then I see Christina run up into wills arms and he picks her up and spins her around then he gives her a kiss on her forehead. Then I hear her cry into his shoulder. I smile then I frown.

"Four what's wrong?" He says

"Tris is dead..." I sigh

"I can fix this, no worries" he says

"Really?" I say

"Yes, now just hold her hand so it doesn't cause much pain for her" he says

"Okay" I say

He walks over to tris and I follow him. I kneel down and hold her hand. Then he pulls out a syringe out from his pocket and he is about to put it in her neck. I stop him.

"What is that?" I say

"It's resurgence serum, it's the real kind that will bring a person back to life" he says

"Okay" I say

Then he finally sticks the syringe in her neck. Then I hold her hand tight. I'm praying that tris will come back. Please don't leave me tris, please. Then I hear her gasp and she opens her eyes.

"Oh my god, you were dead tris you were dead" I cry

"It's okay, I'm alive now" she says

I pull her up from the ground and I wrap my arms around her. I cry into her shoulder so does she.

"Do you wanna stand up?" I say

"Yeah" she sighs

I help her stand up and she brushes the dirt off of her pants. And she looks over and sees its will.

"Will?" She says

"Hi tris, welcome back" he smirks

She runs over to him and hugs him. Then she walks over to Christiana and hugs her.

"You were dead tris, I thought I lost you forever" she cries

"I'm here, I'm here" she says

"Don't ever leave me your my best friend" she says

"Never" she says

"I remember you all, I remember you tobias" madison says

"You remember?" I say

"Yes yes, I do" she says

"God I missed you so much" I say

"I love you tobias" she whispers

"I love you too" she says

"Tris" I say

"Yeah?" Tris says

"I wanna spend my rest of my life with you, never leave me okay?" I say

"I will never, were four and six" she says

"Were fourtris" I smile


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