Chapter 7: Back together

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Tris POV:


"Tris" Tobias says

I sit up and wrap my arms around his neck and I start to cry.

"I missed you" I say

"I missed you too" Tobias says while crying

"Tobias I heard you" I say

"You heard me?" He says

"Yes I did, and I saw you" I say

"How?" He says

"I gotta do a lot of explaining to do" I say

"Four I need to...." Caleb says

"Caleb" I yell

"Tris" he says

He walks up to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Your alive" Caleb says

"Yes I am" I say

"I know you are, I'm so glad your back" Caleb says

"What is with all this noise guys, I'm trying to take a na" Christiana says


"TRIS" she says

She walks up to me and hugs me.

"Oh my god I missed you" she says

"I missed you too" I say

"I'm gonna go get Mathew" caleb says


5 minutes later...

"You're alive tris" Mathew says

"Yes I am" I say

" I just need to take some tests and you can leave tomorrow night" Mathew says

"Really that long?" I say

"Yes I am sorry" Mathew says

"It's gonna be alright tris" Tobias says

"Okay" I say then I squeeze his hand and he squeezes it back.

Mathew gets a shot and pulls up the sleeve up from my night gown. He rubs this substance on my arm and sticks a needle in my arm and takes blood from it. Then he takes it out.

"Okay guys everyone has to leave except four because visiting hours are over" Mathew says

Everyone walks around the room and Mathew dims the lights in my room then shuts the door. I know it's nighttime right now.

"So what do you mean you heard me?" Tobias says

"I don't know, I could see you and hear you, I saw myself on that bed you were holding my hand" I say

"But how could you see and hear me if you saw yourself?" He says

"I don't know, I tried to touch you and talk to you but you made no reaction no one did" I say

"Well that seems suspicious" he says

"I know, and I saw my mother she was talking to me, she said I could keep fighting or stop fighting and die" I say

"Tris do you know what this means?" He says

"No I don't" I say

"You were dead, you were your spirit and somehow you came back to life" he says

"I was dead, I saw myself dead?" I say

"Yes you did and you have another chance to live" he says

"Wow" I say

"I know it's amazing tris" he says

"Wow I don't know what to say, so I really know how it means to be dead" I say

"Pretty much, but you didn't go into the light" he says

"I love you" I say

"I love you too"

Soon sleep catches me. Tobias falls asleep too. I am back together with my true love. I have a second chance to live

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