Chapter 56: Four and Six Always

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Tris POV:

There is a bookshelf in our room in the factionless building, I wonder what kind of books they are. I know how to read, because I was tough in school and it's something you need to learn to succeed in life no matter what. I get up from my bed and walk over to the bookshelf. I observe the bookshelf, it's white wood and it has about three shelfs. I look through the books and I pick what is faction history. I pull it out from the bookshelf and I walk back to the bed. I open the book it had a lot of dust in it. This book seems so old, but I decide to read it. It saids that, after the war the founders of Chicago built a fence because they wanted to be one nation alone to be away from the remaining cites in order to cause no conflict. It also saids that, before the war happened teenagers would go to school from ages 5-18 and they could go to college if they wanted to, to have a good job. Teenagers would not have to be forced to pick their job or they didn't have to. But it would conflict your life though. Wow life didn't seem as stressful as ours. It seemed peaceful. I shut the book. Then I see tobias open the door. I don't even look at him because I'm upset at him.

"Why did you run off like that?" He yells

"Because I wanted to" I say

"That's not an answer" he says

"Yes it tobias, that's my answer and that's all your gonna get okay!" I yell

"I would like a real answer tris really" he says

"Well your not getting one okay" I say

"Why do you have to be so stubborn tris!" He yells

"I'm not stubborn" I say

"Yes you are" he says

"God four" I yell

"Is it because you didn't wanna kill anyone right?" He says

"Yeah" I mumble

He doesn't say anything, he just sits next to me on the bed and puts a arm around me and smiles.

"Look it's gonna be okay, it might not feel right now but it will in the future I promise" he says

"Really?" I say

"Yes tris, I promise" he says

"But I just feel like we're killing innocent people" I mumble

"There not innocent people, they're evil they hate us a lot" he says

"Oh" I say

"Hey we're gonna get through this, we have each other" he smiles

"Four and six" I smile

"Yes four and six forever" he smiles

I smile back at him then he leans in and brushes his lips with mine. I put my arms around his neck and he puts his hands on my arms. The kiss becomes more passionate and he asks for an entrance and I let him. I pull the kiss away and I rest my forehead against his and I bite my lip. He just smiles at me. I fucking love Tobias eaton. I feel completed with him, we are four and six.

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