Chapter 5: Breaking

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Tris POV:

THE SOUNDS OF PEOPLE TALKING: behind that door is driving me crazy. I can't understand what they are saying. No one can here me or see me. I just wanna wake up. I want this to be over. Then I see Christiana walking down the hallway. I run up to her. Oh my god Christiana I have missed you so much.

"Tobias how is she doing?" Christiana says

"She is doing alright, the surgery will be over soon" Tobias says

"Good" Christina says

"I just want her to wake up" Tobias says well tearing up

"I know me too, come here" Christiana says

Tobias walks up to her and Christiana gives him a big hug. I can tell his crying. I never saw him cry before.

"Four, tris is doing Okay, we are gonna take her to her room now since the surgery is done" the doctor says

"Okay thank you" Tobias says

"You can visit her soon, she just needs to rest" the doctor says

"Okay" Tobias says

The doctors roll me out of the room I'm on this bed thing and they roll me down the hallway. I start to run after them so I can follow them. They push me into this room and I go in there.

"Look sweetie it's all up to you if you wanna live or die" a doctor says

What does this mean? I don't get it. HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW IF I WANNA LIVE OR DIE?! I kneel down and lay my head on the wall. I close my eyes and just wait.


I wake up to hear someone talking and I see it's Christiana. She pulls a chair up next to me.

"Hey" Christiana says

"Look I know probably can't hear me but, I will accept your choice if you wanna keep fighting or not" Christiana says

"I remember the first day I met you on that very chain when we were going to dauntless, we didn't know how crazy it was gonna be" Christina says while crying

"Please keep Fighting tris I know you can do this" Christina says while touching my hand

I touch her hand and I smile at her even though she can't even see me.

"I will" I say

I might be breaking now. But I can do this. I will Try to fight for my life I know I can. I will?

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