Chapter 75: we will figure this out

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Tobias POV:

My sister is alive. Madison is alive how is this happening. I thought she was dead I thought she was.

"Is she okay?" I say

"Not really, she's knocked out so she is in the infirmary for the night so she's safe" Lauren says

"Oh okay, I'll visit her tomorrow okay night" I say

"Alright night" she says

I shut the door and I walk back to the couch. I sit next to tris. She turns her head towards me.

"What happened?" She says

"Let's just go to bed" I say

"Okay" she mumbles


I put my clothes in the dresser in our room when I see tobias come in the room. He sits onto the bed and puts his hands on his face. I walk to the bed and I sit next to tobias.

"What's wrong?" I say

"Too much pain" he says

"What do you mean?" I say

"Tris something is wrong" he says

"What's wrong?" I say

"I don't know but something bad is gonna happen" he says

"Like, like" he says

"Like what tobias?" I say

"Another war" he says

No no. He did not just say that Please don't. I need peace not pain. Tears start to come down my face. Tobias wipes them with his thumbs.

"Baby don't cry please" he says

"Why if we're gonna have another war tobias that's bad!" I tell

"I didn't say there was gonna be one, they're might be" he says

"I don't know tobias, I don't want to lose you I need you" I cry

"Your not gonna lose me, we will figure this out" he smiles

I burry my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me. I sob into his shoulder that it's wet from my tears. He rocks me back in forth and soon I fall asleep.


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I had my homecoming dance tonight and I thought it was really boring and lame like really lol 😂


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